Chapter 7- When We Leave

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Chapter 7- When We Leave

Niall’s P.O.V.

            Vanessa looked deep in thought as I held her. Wow I was so happy she was officially mine, but when do we have to leave again? Vanessa grabbed my hand and asked me, “Niall when do you guys have to leave again?” Wow she just totally read my mind.

“I really don’t know we should gather everyone and talk about it…” I said frowning.

“Nialler what’s wrong?” she whispered in my ear.

“I don’t want to have to leave you; I just made you mine.” I told her as I pulled her into a kiss.

“Ya I don’t want to leave you either…” she said kissing me again.

“Alright you go talk to Alyson and get her away from Zayn. I’ll talk to the boys.” I told her.

“Alright babe,” she said as she skipped upstairs and sent Zayn down.

“Stay here while I get there others,” I told Zayn. He nodded. I walked around the house collecting the boys and sending them into the living room. Then when I was done I took a deep breath and walked into the living room. Liam was the first to speak, of course.

“Why are we in here Niall?” he asked.

“Ya,” all the boys said in unison.

“We have a predicament…” I said.

“Wow big word for little Nialler,” Louis joked and I glared at him.

“I think he’s trying to be serious Lou,” Harry said.

“Yes I am, thank you Harry,” I said.

“Alright what is our predicament Niall?” Liam asked.

“Well, actually, it’s mainly Zayn and I’s problem,” I said.

“Oh you mean the girls…” Zayn said.

“Yes I do, what are we going to do?” I said, “I just got Vanessa, I don’t want to leave her.”

“And I just got Alyson, I can’t leave her already either,” Zayn said.

“I have a plan,” Louis said. Oh god, not a plan from Lou. No offence but Lou’s plans suck.

“What is your plan Boo Bear?” Harry asked smiling.

“We could pack them in a suitcase and bring them on tour with us,” Louis said. See like I said stu-wait, that’s not a bad idea.

“I have an even better idea,” I said.

Liam’s P.O.V.

            Oh shiz, Niall has on that face I wonder what his plan is this time.

“What is your plan than Niall?” Louis said sounding kind of pissed.

“Well I like parts of your idea…” he started.

Zayn interrupted him, “Please don’t tell me you like the suitcase part.” His brow furrowed.

“No, why the hell would anyone like that part!?” I asked.

“Ya I agree with Liam, but the other part Louis.” Niall said.

“What other part?” Lou asked confused. Then I realized what Niall meant, and I looked at Niall.

“Alright, I like that idea. Let’s go tell the girls now.” I smiled. Louis and Harry looked so confused, Niall understood, and Zayn eventually caught on as we walked into Zayn’s room to talk to the girls. Grins spread wide across Niall, Zayn, and my faces.

Alyson’s P.O.V.

            Vanessa and I just sat on Zayn’s bed and talked. We talked about how much we loved the boys, how much we would miss them if they left, and what we would do if they left. Basically we just talked about the boys. Then they came walking into the room, Harry and Louis looked confused (as always), while Niall, Liam, and my man, Zayn were smiling.

“So we realized we have to leave next week…” Zayn said.

“But Niall had an amazing idea…” Liam said.

“Which I sort of came up with, I guess…” Louis said still confused.

“We…” Niall started.

“Want…” Liam said.

“You two…” Harry said, obviously catching on.

“To…” Louis sang so what’s going on here, now even Lou gets it.

“Come…” Zayn said smiling at me.

“ON TOUR WITH US!!!” they all screamed. Oh my god! I don’t know what to think I looked at Vanessa who looked as shocked as I bet I do.

“Well what do you think,” Niall and Zayn said, “will you come with us?”

*******************to be continued**********************

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