Chapter 3- The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 3- The Truth Comes Out

Vanessa’s P.O.V.

            I didn’t really want to go inside, of all the people I had to face, I had to face One Direction and Alyson… I looked at my watch its 15 till 10, maybe I could just go to bed. Liam seemed to read my mind.

“You are going to tell them before you do anything else and you will not get out of it,” he stated short and sweet.

“But…” I started.

“No, no buts,” he retorted.

God Liam you don’t even realize. Wait, what if Alyson makes me tell them about ‘him’. God no I changed my number and moved to get away from ‘him’. Don’t think about that, Alyson surely wouldn’t put you through remembering ‘him’ again.

“Come on babe,” Liam said smirking, “time to face the boys.”

The second I walked in the door I was greeted by a huge bear hug from Alyson.

“I was SO worried and I missed you SO much!” she shrieked and I cringed, too loud.

I looked around and what I saw scared me Harry and Louis sitting on the couch staring at me intently. Niall was in the corner by himself staring at the floor, his expression looked broken. Liam had gone and stood next to Zayn who was leaning on the counter, staring at Alyson. God what have I gotten myself into. 

“Hey Hun, you have to tell them about Randall, you know.” Alyson whispered in my ear.

Oh god, ‘him’ no I looked at her with a pained look on my face.

“Just tell them I guarantee they won’t hate you,” she said as she went to stand by Zayn.

Well, they all heard that. They were all staring at me and Zayn spoke first.

“V we could never hate you, you should know that,” he said looking at Aly.

“You know I can’t hate a pretty girl,” Harry said winking.

“And I think we could be great, great friends so I won’t judge you,” Louis said smirking.

“You know how I feel, so you know I couldn’t hate you,” Liam said, “and Niall can’t either.”

We then all looked at Niall who looked up.

“Go on I want to hear this,” was all he said.

God, fine, here I go I guess…

I started, “So my past has been a little rough, I’ve had boyfriends and they didn’t work out, I mean who hasn’t had bad break-ups. But with Randall *I shivered saying his name* it was different.” I took a deep, shaky breath and continued, “He was aggressive, and at first that’s what I liked about him. But he started taking it too far. He would… umm…” I struggled to continue, “he started grabbing my wrists and forcing me to kiss him. I didn’t want that, I mean no one should. But the day I dumped him, he went crazy when I told him he slapped me, but from there it just got worse.” When I said ‘slapped me’ the boys gasped and Alyson whimpered as she leaned into Zayn’s chest. I continued, “He would stalk me, call and text me constantly, and show up at my window at night. It got so bad I changed my number, and I used to sleep with a knife. I just wanted it to stop, so I moved multiple times, and changed my number a countless amount of times. And now whenever a guy is super nice to me, or tells me he loves me or something I freak, because that’s how Randall started. I don’t want to hurt those people but I haven’t been able to forget him or get over it yet. I’m so sorry for just running away Niall it’s just that I didn’t want to hurt you. And you were being so nice to me.” He looked up as me as I said his name and I looked down. “And Liam, you are so kind and I don’t want to hurt you either. I’m sorry but I’m trying to get over this so if you guys could just bear with me, maybe?” I questioned as I finally finished my story.

“Awww Hun I hate hearing you tell that story!” Alyson cried and ran from under Zayn’s arm to come over and hug me. I hugged back as hard as I could, crying now.

“Al, I’m so sorry I didn’t want you to cry,” I sobbed into her shoulder, as Zayn joined in and hugged her and me. Slowly the other boys joined in until we were just standing there in a group hug while Alyson and I just balled. Slowly as we stopped crying everyone cleared out; Harry and Louis went to their room, Alyson and Zayn walked away hand in hand, and Liam gave me a ‘I’ll talk to you later’ look; they left Niall and I alone. I was embarrassed so I went and sat on the couch.

“I, I, I don’t even know what to say,” Niall said, “I feel like a jerk. I hated you because I thought you just didn’t like me or something. Now I’m feeling stupid.” He frowned.

“No, Niall don’t feel stupid. I really should have told you instead of running,” I said, “I was just scared and didn’t know what to do.”

He pulled me into a hug. We just stayed like that for a while.

“I love you Vanessa,” he whispered in my ear.

“I think I love you too Niall,” I whispered back.

He pulled my face up, looked me in the eyes and went in for a kiss, I turned and he kissed me cheek. He gave me a funny, yet sad look.

“Sorry but you know Liam loves me too right?” I asked. I just had to let him know.

His face sunk. “I actually figured…” he said, “so do you love him more than me?” his eyes shone with a hopeful glimmer.

“Niall I honestly don’t know. I don’t know either of you well enough, but I’m tired I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” I said.

“Okay, night. Remember I love you,” he said, as he walked off to his room and I sat down on the couch and feel instantly asleep.

Niall’s P.O.V.

            Oh my god when she told me that story it ripped my heart out. I was mad at her for running and I didn’t even care why she had run. I feel so stupid and like a jerk! And when we had our ‘talk’ I felt a little better. At least she loved me too, but she also loves Liam. It seems that I’m constantly competing with him. Well I guess I will REALLY have to impress her tomorrow then, I thought as I started brainstorming ways to do that. I took off my clothes and crawled in bed in my boxers and feel asleep with Vanessa on my mind.

One Direction Infection: Love Story Alyson and VanessaWhere stories live. Discover now