Chapter 9- Holy Mother

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Chapter 9- Holy Mother

Niall’s P.O.V.

            When we got off the plane I immediately took Vanessa’s hand in mine. I knew the fans and the paparazzi were going to go crazy but I wanted to try and make Vanessa feel safe. When we walked out of the gate her eyes went wide. She stared at me with worry and embarrassment spread across her face, I squeezed her hand and she seemed to calm down a little. I then looked at what was ahead of us, there had to be at least 10,000 screaming girls. They were yelling things like; ‘who are those sluts!?’ ‘She’s not good enough for you!’ ‘Why don’t you notice me!?’ ‘I love you guys!’ and ‘Marry me!?’ I could tell that Vanessa and Alyson were close to tears and they were holding hands. I did all I could think to do I hugged her while Zayn hugged Alyson. Then we got shouts like; ‘Do hug them, hug me!!’ and ‘We deserve you, they don’t!’ that seemed to be the breaking point for Zayn cause he looked pissed. Liam just touched his shoulder giving him the ‘it’s not worth it dude’ look. Zayn seemed to calm down a little. Then Liam turned to the crowd and said,

“Alright girls, I get that you’re jealous of Niall and Zayn’s girlfriends, but they are very sweet. They don’t deserve to be called sluts and they do deserve those boys.” He gestured at us. “So I really hope you give them a break, they are super sweet, and we all love them.” He looked at Vanessa. “So if you love us then you will have to love them and if you won’t than that sucks for you, because they aren’t going anywhere.” Liam finished. Every girl in the crowd was silent when finally one girl said,

“Alright I will be nice, I’m just jealous. I love Niall and Zayn but I guess I can get over it. I’m sorry girls I truly am. If they love you we should too.” She looked up and smiled at us.

Then another girl asked, “So I will love them too, but can we know their names?” I nudged Vanessa, she looked really scared, so then Alyson stepped up.

“Well I’m Alyson and this is my best friend Vanessa,” she said gesturing at Vanessa who blushed. I squeezed her hand and she looked at me before stepping forward.

Then she said, “If you couldn’t already tell I’m dating Niall and Alyson is dating Zayn and all the other boys are our best friends.” She smiled and waked back to me. I smiled down at her.

I whispered, “I love you,” and she smiled.

“I love you too Nialler,” and she blushed.

“Well girls we better get going see you around,” Harry said winking at the girls. They went crazy and I’m pretty sure some had passed out. I just laughed as always Harry being a flirt. We were then led away by our body guard, Paul was in the front. When we had finally gotten to the limo and sat down, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Vanessa just looked at me and started laugh crying. I cocked my head at her.

“Are you okay?” I asked her but she just kept laugh crying.

Alyson jumped in and said, “She does that when she is happy, nervous, and sad at the same time. You can’t do much to stop it you just have to wait until she is done.” I sighed and grabbed her hand, while I waited for her to stop. When she had finally stopped all she said was,

“Holy mother that was the craziest thing I have ever been through in my life. And I have been through a lot of crazy shiz.”

“I’m sorry I guess I could have warned you…” she cut me off.

“No, even if you had warned me I still would have acted the same way.” She said.

“I’m sorry our fans can be crazy,” Liam said getting in the limo.

“Where were you?” Zayn asked looking at Liam.

“I had to make a call, they apparently only booked us four rooms,” Liam said sighing.

“Awww Daddy Direction is at it again.” Alyson and Vanessa said smiling.

“Awww shush you two,” Liam said clearly embarrassed.

“Liam, you are so cute when you’re embarrassed and angry,” Vanessa said in a baby voice. He just laughed as did everyone else.

“Alright Holy Mother, what should we do today?” Louis asked looking at Vanessa.

“Oh so now I’m Holy Mother?” Vanessa asked smirking.

“Duh? You said holy mother and you are like in charge of Liam who is Daddy, so yes,” Louis said matter of factly.

“Alright, well Holy Mother doesn’t know what to do then,” she smiled, “Maybe Holy Mother’s holy Irishman knows.” She looked at me. I laughed, oh I had an idea, and it was going to be great… I smiled evilly and everyone gave me a scared yet confused looked. I just laughed again and smiled at them.

“Okay so here’s my idea…”

One Direction Infection: Love Story Alyson and VanessaWhere stories live. Discover now