Chapter 10- What the... I don't even know

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Chapter 10- What the… I don’t even know…

Vanessa’s P.O.V.

            It’s been 20 minutes since Niall had an idea but he still won’t say what it is. Within the past 10 minutes we have been at the hotel unpacking. I keep asking Niall what his plan is but all he says is it’s a secret. Maybe I’ll try one more time with my secret weapon… I smirked. I walked over to where Niall was unpacking and kissed his neck he turned around instantly smiling widely. He leaned in for a kiss and I put my finger to his lips, he looked REALLY confused, perfect. I then proceeded to lean in and kiss my finger just missing his lips.

“Stop teasing me,” he mumbled against my finger. I just smiled and shook my head at him.

“Not until you give me what I want,” I cocked my head and stared at him.

“You know if you let me kiss you, I could give you what you want,” he wiggled his eyebrows, wow that was sexy, NO stay focused.

“But that’s not what I want right now,” I stuck out my bottom lip and looked at the floor. He ran over and lifted my chin looking into my eyes.

“Then what is it you want love?” he asked with concern in his eyes.

“I want,” I paused, looking away from him again.

“Go on…” he whispered.

“I want you to tell me what your surprise is…” I said abruptly looking into his eyes.

“It’s… we are going to… NO WAIT!!!” he screamed and I jumped back, fear in my eyes. He looked at me and frowned. Then he sat next to me.

“Babe I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you afraid. But I see what you did there you played my weaknesses and I’m sorry but I still won’t tell you.” He smirked and lightly kissed my lips then he ran downstairs and yelled,

“EVERYONE BE READY IN 10 WE ARE GOING OUT DRESS SEMI-NICE!!!!!” Then he ran back upstairs.

“So what’s semi-nice?” I asked him.

“Where that really cute black and white see through top with your silver skinny’s that will work,” he seemed distracted so I tested him.

“Should I wear a black bra?” I asked.

“Um… sure,” he said.

“What about a tank top?” well that got his attention. He stared at me; he looked me up and down.

“Well your body is defiantly hot enough for you not to where one, but I don’t want other boys to drool over you… but it’s your choice,” he finally decided. Alright fine I won’t where a tank top then. I went to the bathroom to change. I also applied a little make-up and touched up the straightening in my hair. Then I headed down stairs where all the boys stared at me and Niall and Liam gasped.

I looked around, “What does it look bad?” I asked, getting a little self-conscious.

“No hun you look gorgeous!” Alyson screamed pulling me into a hug.

“Same to you! You look like a babe!!” I screamed back, and she blushed. She was wearing a pair of short lime green cut off shorts and a hot pink shirt and she did her hair in curls.

“Maybe you should have worn a tank top…” Niall muttered. I walked to him and kissed his cheek.

“Why do I look bad?” I asked him raising my eyebrows.

“No you look so hot that I don’t want a boy to try and steal you from me,” he said smiling and pulling me in for a kiss. But at the last second I turned slightly so he only kissed the corner of my lips. I smirked at him. He looked a little taken aback.

One Direction Infection: Love Story Alyson and VanessaWhere stories live. Discover now