The End

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This will be the last chapter it might be long idk

Third Person P.O.V

Y/n and Sans bumped into each other. "I have to tell you something!!" they said in unison."Uhhh you go first" Y/n said. "No, no ladies first," Sans said and chuckled."ok...." Y/n said nervously. "I-I w-wanted ttt-to t-tell y-you th-that I h-have..-" Y/n was interrupted by Sans crashing his lips/teeth (Idk you decide) to your lips. It took you a while but you melted into the kiss. "I love you too," Sans said.  After that, an alarm went off. "WARNING WARNING GET YOUR WEAPONS READY WERE UNDER ATTACK I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACk GET YOUR WEAPONS READY!!!" The speakers of the building yelled. There were monsters shuffling all over the place getting their guns or they're knives, katanas or whatever weapon they could find.

Y/n P.O.V

I heard most scientists saying to prepare the defenses because there were going to be more humans that we might not handle. I was wide eyed mostly because-                                          

1. I lost some of my experience fighting because I didn't go on many missions.

2. Mostly I did chores for the Mafia.

3. I forgot to train every day.

Lastly 4. I didn't pay much attention to my weapon shape-shift.

I was freaking out I had 4 things going wrong and some of those 5 things are important!!! I ended up running and Sans tagging along with me. Eventually, we went to where the fight was but as I was killing I didn't realize I was cornered. (OMG this is all happening so fast!!) My hand was shape-shifted to a scythe but the longer I had it like that the more it was tiring me. When I was about to kill someone it shifted back to my regular arm. I was shocked, I remembered that I have extra knives and guns hidden in my clothes but I haven't used those in a long time and by that I mean a looooooong loooong time. I might as well get used to I took out a katana (0-o how did you manage to hide that in your clothes?!?!?)

'I don't know author your writing this'  (AYYYYY  no breaking the fourth wall continue!! >:[ )

Anyway, I was killing a lot of people I didn't realize that I reached to the middle of the arena the katana had a flaw, it was hard to kill people with due to it being long it gets stuck sometimes. As I was killing people I let my guard down because when I was going to walk away someone stuck me with a knife. I felt pain pure pain and nothing else it hurt like hell but I needed to stay determined. I had 7 hp because the humans kept hurting me I tried to shape-shift my arm into a shield but that didn't work it was useless it was already getting worn out and I couldn't do anything. I called, no yelled for help......

But nobody came

I was scared now...nobody heard me...i.. a..m g.e..t...ting so tir...ed...

6 hp-

5 hp-

4 hp-

3 hp-

2 hp-

1 hp...

I am so tired....maybe I should take a nap...? Why not it won't be as bad right....? YeAh, iM gOIng tO TaKe a NAp...

0 hP....

My eyes shut and I was in a dark void I saw a girl and walked to her. "Hi Y/n im Leslie," the gir-Leslie told me. "How do you know my name?" I said a bit angered. "I have been watching your journey. Anyway, you want to go back right?" Leslie asked. "Yes, but how do I go back?" I asked confused. "It's simple all you got to do is press the reset button..." She answered.I was about to press the button but she stopped me. "There is one condition Y/n," Leslie told me "And that is?" I said eager to see Sans again.

"In fifteen years I will knock on your door and I will have to reset, taking you to an alternate universe, do you understand?" Leslie said firmly. I was shocked but I wanted to be alive with Sans. "I understand" I answered "Alright I'll see you in 15 years Y/n, hope you have a good one," she said smiling. I smiled back as she pressed the reset button.

.  .  .

I couldn't believe it...I was back with Sans!!!!! I looked for him and when i found him i hugged him tight but...he asked me what happened because he knew someone made us go back. I decided not to tell him and change the subject because it was a secret to be kept.

*Timeskip after the attack*

We won the attack plus this time I was near the others so nobody died since all of us were teaming up by tens. Sans and I confessed to each other everything was good.

*huge 14-year and 11-month time skip*

Me and Sans had 2 kids one boy and one girl they were twins which was surprising and exciting. Their names are D/n, and S/n. (Daughter name, Son name) We were now the apprentices of Chara and Frisk. Of course, I couldn't forget the secret....I had one month left with my family and then I would be in a foreign universe. Actually, it's the last day of the month!! I have to say goodbye to my family.

*time skip*        [im not lazy I just don't want to write it *>*]

I said goodbye even Sans was crying but it had to be like this.I slept all the way till tomorrow and that morning someone knocked the door. I opened it and saw Evelyn. "It's hard I know we have 15 minutes to spare..."Leslie said with a sad smile. "Thanks you,"i said tearing up hugging her and then my family. I didnt know how long i hugged them but it seemed so short.

12 minutes left...

8 minutes left...

3 minutes left...

1 minute...

"Sorry but we have to go Y/n," She said sadly. "Ok bye,be  good!" Were the last words i said before I left and Leslie pressed the reset button and I was in an alternate universe. It was weird...i was underground?

Sorry that this ending wasn't the one that you expected but I will make a sequel!!! See you guys in the next book!!!Sorry it was kind of sad but that is how i will continue the x reader books it might not be sans all the t8me but it will be iteresting.

Mafiatale! Sans x Assassin reader (⚠ cringe)Where stories live. Discover now