Sick Children

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Holy heck, I have so many requests rolling in.

I'm trying to go in order of when I got them!

This first one was requested by Apheistas1

(Michael's POV)

I was walking home from school, thinking. Why wasn't Jeremy there today? Maybe I should stop by his house.

I changed my route and headed towards Jeremy. I decided to text him to let him know I was coming over.

HeadphonesHumanoid: I'm coming over to ur house

HH: Why weren't you at school today?

HeadphonesHumanoid'sHumanoid: I sick

HHH: need u

HHH: cum quik

HHH: come* oopd

HHH: oops* oops

I slowed my pace. I really didn't like being around sick people. What if I got sick, too?

HHH: lov u

I picked up my pace.

(small time skip brought to you by the wind knocking over vases in my house and breaking them)

I already had a key to the Heere household, so I let myself in. I could hear a small squeal of excitement come from up the stairs. I followed to squeal to Jeremy.

"Hey, Jeremu. How's it hanging?" Jeremy responded with a sneeze.

"I'm sorry I wasn't at school today, I threw up twice this morning," he said with a few sniffles. I tried to hide my wince.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"A little."

He coughed a bit, and I sat down next to him with my hand on his back.


"Yes?" I said, rolling out the "y".

"Can I have snuggles? I'm freezing."

"Of course, Jeremu," I replied, lying down next to him. His nose was red. He wrapped his arms around me, and smiled.

"I feel better now," he said with a giggle. Laying here with him wasn't as bad as I thought. Plus, I got to see his cute, tired self.

"I'm glad to hear that." He yawned and snuggled closer. I heard him cough a few times, but by this point, I no longer cared. Maybe he could help me with my fear?

"What did we learn about in math?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked back with a chuckle.

"I don't. I just like to hear you talk," he said, yawning. I might have blushed a little.

"Oh, okay, then. Well, I don't remember anything from math, and you know that. But, we did something with graphs and parabolas. And, we learned some new formula. I blanked out for about 5 minutes, wondering where you were, so I don't have complete notes. But, at least I'm here with you now. Oh, and during science, Rich roasted Christine. I didn't hear what he said, but apparently it was really good. I'll ask around tomorrow for you, if you're still here in bed. Jenna probably tweeted about it, honestly. I'll check her Twi-"

I could hear Jeremy starting to lightly snore. I didn't know my voice was so relaxing to him. I should use this to my advantage in the future.

I laid with him there for a few minutes, and I started nodding off, too. Nothing mattered right there, who cared about homework? The world slipped away as I fell asleep.

(time skip brought to you by Jeremy nuzzling himself deeper into Michael while sleeping)

(Jeremy's POV)

I woke up hugging Michael. I would've gotten up to start the day, but he was so warm and cozy, I didn't want to leave. So, instead, I just played with his hair. His hair was extremely soft. How could you not touch it?

He started to come to. Probably from the hair-playing.

"Jeremy?" he mumbled.


"My nose feels," he paused. "Stuffy." Oh no.

"Shit, Michael, are you sick?"

"I think so."

"I'm so sorry I should've told you not to come over this is all my fault I-"

"It's okay," he said he with a small cough. "At least I get to miss school today."

"True," I smiled at him.

"Can we watch movies and snuggle?"

"Of course. But we only have Moana and The Lion King."

"Fine by me," he mumbled, starting to fall asleep again. I giggled at him.

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