15: Many Meetings (Edited)

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Frodo slowly awoke from his agonising slumber. He blinked, trying to remember the events before he lost his consciousness. One of the Ringwraiths stabbed him near his shoulder—he glanced down to see it was there. He remembered Daefaroth pushing her opponents away. He remembered... two elleths. One was fairer than the stars, the other its shadow. His surroundings were completely different. He was in Rivendell, he reckoned, for he had seen Bilbo's drawings of the village. Gandalf was sitting by his side. Vaguely he saw a figure leaning against a beam not far.

"Gandalf?" asked Frodo dreamily. "Gandalf, is that you?"

Gandalf withdrew his pipe weed and smiled. "I see that you are confused," he muttered. "Maybe you think this is the land of the dead, but I assure you that you are still alive and well. You are in the House of Lord Elrond and it is ten o'clock in the morning of October the 24th."

He heard a snort from the person leaning against the post. Frodo rubbed his eyes, finally having a better view of the person eyeing him. He could not discern whether they are female or male, but he knew they were very graceful. "Who is that?"

"Ah," Gandalf said, beckoning the person to come closer. "Another thing I should explain to you."

The face was familiar, with a nostalgic rigidity and coldness. "This is Daefaroth, the ranger who has watched over you throughout your journey."

Frodo had no words to say. Surely this wasn't the stern ranger who had brawled with the Ringwraiths back in Amon Sul? "My true name is Varilerin," she introduced herself. "I served under Lord Elrond a thousand years ago. You are fortunate to be alive, Frodo Baggins. The poison from Morgul blade rarely spares its victim. Lord Elrond has saved you with his skills, and you should thank him later."

"I heard you've been injured as well," Gandalf continued.

Varilerin nodded calmly. "Compared to Frodo's wound, it is nothing," she said, shrugging her shoulders. She lied, partially, for her back was still hurting even now. Frodo studied her further, unsettled by how less-hostile she looked behind the mask.

"What happened, Gandalf?" Frodo asked then. "Why didn't you meet us?"

"I was delayed," Gandalf slowly began. "Saruman, the head of my order, has turned against us. He held me captive in his tower, tortured me for information regarding the Ring. I managed to escape with the help of several friends... And find you here." Gandalf paused, a smiled crooked on his lips.
I heard from Varilerin that you had an amazing journey—"

Sam barged into the room, panting as if he had been chased by Orcs. He saw Frodo and grinned in relief. "Frodo! Bless you! You're awake!" he shouted, lunging Frodo. Frodo received his embrace with a laugh, and Gandalf chuckled at the touching reunion.

"Sam has hardly left your side," Gandalf said. "He is not the only one." Frodo glanced at Varilerin, who was playing with her fingers. He would want to know more about what happened from her. Who she actually was, before she became Daefaroth? She seemed happier.

"Easy there," Varilerin warned bluntly. "He has someone he needs to meet. You don't want to kill him before he does."

What kind of joke is that? Frodo mused. Varilerin cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Can you stand?" she asked. Frodo nodded, shuffling from his bed. She led Frodo out of the room and into the Halls of Fire—all the while, the Halfling stole glances from Varilerin. Waiting for him was a familiar face. Frodo leapt to embrace Bilbo, who was growing older without the influence of the Ring.

"Hello, Frodo my lad!" Bilbo greeted cheerfully.

"Bilbo!" Frodo said. "I miss you!"

Bilbo chuckled weakly. "The feeling is mutual, my boy." Bilbo caught Varilerin lurking at the corner, along with Gandalf and Sam. "Ah! Daefaroth! It is good to see you as well. You have gone through many adventures while I'm gone, hmm?"

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