Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Katniss Everdeen

"Prim, lets go," I tell my sister while opening the door. "The school bus is here."

"Bye Mom," Prim says and hugs Mom before walking out the door and waits for me at the doorstep.

I kiss my mom's forehead and hug her. "Take care, and don't forget to feed Buttercup and Prim's goat," I tell her softly and pull away.

Mom nods and stands there, watching me as I fix Prim's skirt before closing the door.

Prim and I make our way towards the school bus, hand in hand. Prim seems to be a little nervous like she always has been nervous, and I'm always here to protect her.

Prim and I enter the bus awkwardly. Prim is in her usual form: blond hair tied to a braid and her normal dresses. My long, brown hair is still tied to a long braid down my back but I'm wearing a shirt and jeans so nobody notices me. I'm Katniss Everdeen and I'm well know all over the world and I don't want anyone noticing me. I have a lot of makeup on but I still look like Katniss, only a bit different with all the makeup and different clothing.

I look at the floor and shield my face with my arm as Prim and I make our way towards the back of the bus, just in case someone notices my face.

Prim and I sit at the back of the bus and Prim starts tugging at my shirt. "Katniss, I'm nervous," she whispers, her wide eyes filled with alarm.

"Everything's alright, Prim," I whisper back with a smile. Then I look around to see if anyone's listening before lowering my voice into a soft whisper, "just remember what I told you this morning. If people ask for your name, tell them it's Primrose Everlark, not Primrose Everdeen. I'm Kathy Everlark, not Katniss Everdeen anymore. You need to make sure you do not tell anyone who we are. If our identities are revealed, news will spread and the Capitol will soon find us, then they'll surely throw me back into the Games and I'll be forced to see Elsa's stupid face again. We're safe here in Arendelle, so there's no need to worry. Just remember what I told you. Okay?"

Prim nods and whispers, "okay."

"Next stop, Frozendelle High School," the bus driver announces and the bus starts to move.

After about ten minutes, the bus stops and we all file out of the bus. Prim and I are in the same school, only that I'm four grades higher than her. We walk towards the main entrance.

I place my hands against the door and look at my sister. She looks worried as ever. "Prim, you ready?" I ask.

She nods.

"Take care, little duck," I tell her and pull her into a tight hug.

"You too," she says.

We pull away and I open the door, and we go our separate ways.

I make my way towards my locker, hiding my face from the crowd. When I successfully reach my locker without being noticed, I sigh in relief and open my locker door. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Peeta Mellark, the boy who was with me in the Hunger Games.

The boy who I kinda admired and I decided not to kill him because he meant something to me.

The boy whom I thought I would never see again.

This is Peeta Mellark, standing right in front of me with an expression that he wears whenever he's focused or when he's painting.

"Katniss?" He asks as if he couldn't believe it. It's been two years since the last time we've met and we still remember each other, for goodness sake!

"Peeta?" I reply.

"What are you doing here?"

"I moved here. What are you doing here?"

"That's strange... I also moved here."

"What?" I sputter. "Really? No, that's impossible. Why would you move here in Arendelle when you're practically all fame and fortune back in Panem?"

"I'm not always after fame and fortune," Peeta says. "What are you doing here? Why did you move? You were practically a Queen back in Panem. Everyone loves you. Why did you move here?"

"My family and I didn't like all the attention. And I'm sick and tired of seeing Elsa's stupid face so we moved here."

"Wait, what? Elsa? But I just saw her in the lockers a while ago!"


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