Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Elsa Winters

I couldn't stop staring at Jack, who is sitting a few seats away from me. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be in Panem? The teacher has been going on about George Washington for nearly half an hour but I didn't really listen to him. I spent the whole period staring at Jack and thinking as hard as I can why he'd be here.

After class, I walk towards him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and looks at me, a surprised look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asks in surprise.

"I moved here. What are you doing here?"

"I... Moved here...?"

"What? Really? Why?"

"Didn't wanna go back to the Games. You?"


Awkward silence.

One second passes by.

Two seconds.


"I saw Peeta this morning," Jack suddenly says and I choke.

I swallow hard before asking, "what?"

"Peeta Mellark. I just met him this morning. We bumped into each other in the bathroom."

My mouth flies open in shock. "Oh my gosh," I gasp. "What's he doing here?"

"Same reason."

"Shit," I mutter to myself. "Isn't this weird that of all places, the three of us move into Arendelle of all people?"

"Yeah, I agree. It's creepy, as if it was planned by God."

I nod my head in thought. "Anyone else you saw?"

"Nope," Jack shakes his head.

"No sign of Katniss?"



"But I did see Prim."

"Holy motherf*cking- I mean, ooh, that's bad."

"Primrose Everdeen. Katniss' sister, Elsa. If Prim's here, no doubt Katniss is here too."

"I know," I say and start sweating nervously. "Why the hell would she be here?"

Jack only shrugs.

Suddenly, Anna bursts into the classroom and runs towards me. She yanks my arm and starts saying, "Come on, Elsa, let's go to the bathroom! I need to pee I need to pee I need to pee I need to pe- wait a second... Jack Frost?!"

"Uh... Hi," Jack says and gives her a small wave and a sheepish smile.

"Hi," Anna smiles then turns back to me. "I have a lot of questions to ask you what he's doing here, and I have lots and lots to tell you about meeting Katniss and Peeta, but let's go to the bathroom first," she says all in one breath and pulls me towards the bathroom while running.

She kicks the stall door open and closes it again and I hear the sound of water spilling.

"Aaah," I hear her sigh in relief. "Well that was refreshing."

"Could you keep it down in there, Anna?" I say.

I hear the sound of a flushing toilet and I hear her singing out loud, still inside the stall.

"All my life has been a series of stalls in my face. And then suddenly I bump into you...

"I've been searching my whole life to find my toilet. I don't know if it's the plunger talking, or the flush overdue.

"But with you... I found my bowl. And it's nothing like I've ever felt before... Stalls are an open doooooor...!

"Stalls are an open doooooor...! Stalls are an open door with you, with you, with you, with you! Stalls are an open dooo-o-or...

"I mean its crazy, we finish each other's bowel moments. I never met a bowl who's big and black like me! Flush! Flush again!

"Our physically synchronization, it leaves but one explanation. You and I are both toilet bowls!

"Say goodbye to the pee feeling's past! We don't have to feel it anymore!

"Stalls are an open dooooor...! Stalls are an open doooor...! Stalls can be so much more with you, with you, with you, with you! Stalls are an open dooo-o-or..."

The door opens and Anna comes out, carrying a huge toilet with her arms.

"Anna...! What the hell are you doing? And who were you singing to? And why did I hear a second voice?"

"Oh! Elsa, meet Mr. Toilet. Mr. Toilet, meet my sister, Elsa. Elsa, I was singing to Mr. Toilet. The second voice was his. He's really heavy, but don't worry! He's gonna be my new boyfriend!"

Say what?

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