Chapter nine

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Warning! Quite a bit of gore, you have been warned!

Me and Sadie finally left, after I ate some of E.J's kidneys. They were actually pretty good. "Well, Come ON Am-Trendy!" I nod and I follow her to see everyone waiting by the forest edge, infront of the back gardens of their victims house, and I can't help but see slenderman and stare. He was crouching and his arms were angled, with his black tendrils were out and his mouth open with his tounge out. It looked intimidating and dominant.
Amy concentrate, this is your first victim, I don't want to lose you already. I hear in my mind, and blush looking away, knowing he saw me gawking. Sorry love. I tease him to make me look less nervous and I catch a glimpse of spenders face go slightly pink.

I look back and see Sadie is ready with her knife. I let out an animalistic growl when I look to my victims window and see who it is. I couldn't feel it, but I could hear my mouth opening, frown lines probably noticable. My dark purple tendrils come out and I crouch, ready to teleport and scare this shit eating nurse.

Wait for your victim to get in their beds or when all the lights are turned off. We don't want anyone being caught tonight. Do we no-and Jeff has gone... Some of us silently chuckle while me slender and a couple others just groan in annoyance.

Soon enough mine and sadie's victim has all the lights turned off and I see her walk out, her wearing big hoop earrings, a tight short metallic pink dress and some matching pink heels. She was always terrible in picking clothes, worst person to go clubbing with I tell ya. I growl and hear Sadie laugh slightly. She has two kids in the house as well as a husband, I'm going after Casey.

I see Sadie nod and stand up, my glasses falling down abit, but I use my tentacles and push them up. I go into my human form in the same clothes; my black one shoulder and my heels. The greatest clubbing outfit in my opinion. I walk, my heels making a sound on the other side of the road of this women. She turns around.

"Who- oh my god! Amy, is that you?" She rushes over, her butt sticking it like a retarded duck. "Hello, Casey." I stand, my hand on my hip. Smirking. "Where have you been girl! Oh my god the nurses are just so boring.." She goes on and on before she gasps "AND you have been gone for like, a week and a bit now! What's with the disappearance gurl!?" She already sounds drunk, and I physically cringe in disgust.

Well CASEY. I walk closer to her menacingly. She looks scared. I have a little secret. Care to dig up that secret because your mouth has no filter you little shit? I close my eyes and open them, to reveal my trender form. "W-who ARE you!?" I looked around at the alleyway, and seeing no one there,  took one if my tendrils and plunged it into her stomach. I am TrenderWomen and don't forget that.I watch as the acid started to pour out of her and mix with the blood, burning her skin.

She let out a scream and started struggling, but I used more of my tendrils and held her down. I got my mouth, and clamped down around her throat, bringing her body to my mouth. I could feel tears drip onto my tendrils but I didn't care. I could hear her muffled screams, but I didn't give a single care in the world. I was having to much fun, I definitely did enjoy this, it let a lot of stress out.

Soon enough, a sickening snap was heard and Caseys head dropped 7ft to the floor which a sickening crack and a squelch.  I gripped the rest of her body and looking around behind me and everywhere, I chewed her flesh, muscles and organs, leaving bones to drop on the floor beside her decapitated head.

I let out a quiet growl, and start to walk out of the alleyway... Until a heard a bin drop and its condense spill out over where my bloody work has just been.

Blood dripped from my Mouth and my shoulders and hands were covered in red. Who is there! I demanded into the darkness of the alleyway... Some shuffling was heard and another bin was kicked down. My head went in that direction but I heard faint footsteps come behind me. I turn around, just in time to see two caltrops come at me.

I growl, and grab them with my hands. I growl again as I hear footsteps come closer, and see what I think... Is a girl.. She has a dark brown Afro, milk chocolate skin and a blooded bandage around her right eye. She was wearing all black, except for her leggings which were a dark grey, and in her left hand, another caltrop.

Who are you!? I asked once don't make me ask a third time!i yelled, in the head of this girl. She looked a bit insane. And very familiar. She looked crazed but a bit sad when I asked her who she was.

"Don't you remember? I was 23 and In my third year of university one night i went to the hospital due to a heart failure and died.Yet I came back in the night and struck the night nurses with a few knives and I was caught and placed into the mental institution next door.Until there was an asylum escape that place is now deserted usually i takes my victims there."

I listened to her story and she continued, and all the pieces started to fit together. "And there was one nurse, Amy Blue, who wheeled me to that insane asylum one day, and whispered in my ear, I'll give you free food and pills... And she did. Until the one day before I escaped. She never came. Because she did what? Well little Amy helped me escape and KiLl people! And she was in the hospital as alarms go off!" She giggled insanely, and I reimbursed this girl.

My friend, if you could call it that, Olie Everton. Olie? Well... Shouldn't of expected anything less of someone who died then was alive again. I shrugged, but was a bit shocked at Olie. Then an idea struck me. Do you know who I am, or what I look like? She scoffed. "I always though creepypastas were just lame,I think I am better than them. Espiacally Toby.. I bet he took all the waffles from the store the time I went to get some, of course killing EvErYoNe." I nod...

What I was think was risky but that is why we have slender. Slender love, there is someone who might be a good creepypasta, though she might steal Toby's waffles... I say, unsure of his reaction. Bring them in, introduce them but what is the child's name? I blush a bit at our name callin, thinking back to our kiss...  I must've been daydreaming awhile because I heard someone shout in my mind. -ove! LOVE! AMY! I shake and answer. Yes?
What is the child's name? I reply it's Olie Everton, she is twenty three and is abit insane.

I look at Olie and grab tight hold of her. She doesn't struggle but just giggles insanely. She has positivity certainly...

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