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A family gathered at a kitchen table. There were parents, two sons and a dog. The father was working at a bank, the mother was cook at a restaurant in Busan and their children were running a normal life like every other kids. Eomni, the dog, was having the most important task of the whole family- protecting his loved ones.

The younger of the sons, named Jihyun, had tons of friends and he has always been out of the house. He was only thirteen but his parents knew he was a good boy and were sure he did not do anything stupid. That's why they were letting him came back home on late hours.

On the other hand, Jimin, the sixteen year old son, was very shy person. He tried many times make friends with some kids from school or playground near by home but always ended up the same- in tears. With unknow reasons for Jimin other kids didn't want to spend their time with him. Instead of this they bullied him. From time to time some boys and girls either tricked him by being fake friendly. When they got his trust, started bit shit out of the boy and made his life miserable.

Although his brother was three years younger than him, always stood in his defense. It was humiliating for Jimin because it supposed to be his job to protect the younger, not the other way. Jihyun felt bed for Jimin, he thought everyone should have at least one friend. That's why he always asked before leaving, if Jimin would like to come play with him and his friends. Sometimes Jimin accompanied him and felt great. Those youngers were funny, generous, friendly and what was the most important, they truly liked him.

For Jimin that was not a shame to be friends with the youngers but other kids from school had different opinion about it. They kept laughing at him and bulling even more for this. Because of that Jimin often stayed at home, playing with the dog in a garden. Eomni was his closest friend.

Jimin's parents couldn't stand all of his son's pain and tried to find a solution from the situation. The one who came with the brilliant idea was Jihyun. He told his parents about boarding school in Seoul. It was great school only for boys which guaranteed a high level of education and also protection. No harm could happened to any of the students. Otherwise, the consequences could be worst than simple bulling.

Parents were looking at the son who was sitting in front of them with teary eyes. Jimin was covered with fresh bruises, cuts on his soft lips and wounds all over the small body after another 'play time' how those mean kids used to call it.

Jihyun took his brother's hand in his, squeezing it lightly as Eomni put his head on Jimin's lap, looking at the face of the boy.

"Please, hyung. This could be the beginning of a new, better life for you. Say yes." Jihyun begged his brother. He wanted him to be finally happy.

Jimin raised his head to looked at the younger. A small tear ran down his chubby cheek, lips were trembling. "If i agree, I will not be able to see you so often and Eomni, and mommy, and daddy, too."

"We always be with you, honey." Mrs Park said to calm her son. "Maybe not in person but here." She put a hand on his chest above heart and added. "We all love you very much, my dear son. Always remember that, no matter what."

A shade of a smile appeared on Jimin's lips but his face covered with tears once again when heard what his father said next.

"I am proud of you son. You've never let me down and you are such a great kid... a kid with a big heart." Mr Park admitted, trying to not burst into tears. Eomni barked as if wanted to confirm the words of his owner what caused small giggles from every member of the family.

"Okay. I will go to Seoul."

Jimin agreed and that was just the beggining of even bigger journey in his life.

엄니 (eomni)- means tusk
If someone wants to know from where I came with the idea of their dog's name. ☺️

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