15 - boyf riends; mermaid!Jeremy

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I made a book for my art shit so check that out, I'll be posting what Meremy looks like in there once I finish it.
That was a pun. Get it.

Ha ha.

It's five in the morning.


Michael sat at the end of the old pier, legs dangling over the edge as he sobbed into his hand. He let out a shaky sigh as he wiped his tears with the sleeve of his red hoodie.
"I'm so fucking useless. No one would notice if I just offed myself." He whimpered, staring up into the night sky.

"You aren't useless, and I'm sure people would miss you." A voice said.

Michael screamed, looking for the source of the voice. He looked down into the water to see a boy's face and exposed chest, the bottom half of his body was underneath the water and pier. His expression was contorted into a confused frown.

Michael's heart fluttered and he felt as though he was floating. The boy's sky blue eyes gazed into Michael's brown ones as the tawny boy stared helplessly back. "Who are you?" Michael asked him, laying down so his head was closer to the water. "I'm-I'm Jeremy."
"I'm Michael." Michael told him, reaching down to shake his hand. He hesitated before lifting a small hand from the water, grasping Michael's own hand as they shook. Jeremy smiled up at Michael, the full moon glistening in his blue eyes.

Michael felt his cheeks heating up. Good thing if was dark, he'd hate to have this boy think he was having an aneurism or something.

They continued to gaze into each other's pupils before Michael had another question for the odd boy below him.
"Wait.. why are you in the water? It's freezing." Michael asked him. His cheeks tinted a pink before he spoke again. "I just like the ocean." Jeremy replied simply.

There was a buzzing from Michael's pocket as he fished out his phone, looking at the caller ID. "Shit, it's my mom. I have to leave." Michael told Jeremy. The pale boy's smile fell as his brows furrowed. "You'll.. you'll come back right?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly. Michael smiled, nodding. "Of course."
Michael got up to walk away, jogging down the pier to his house.

When he arrived home, his mother lectured him on staying out past curfew and sent him to bed. Michael sighed as he walked up the stairs into his room, clicking the lock to his door, pulling off his hoodie and crawling into bed, dreaming of seeing Jeremy again.


After three years and countless amounts of visits to the pier later, Jeremy and Michael were best friends. Though Michael did find it odd the pale boy never left the water, he decided not to ask why in risk of upsetting Jeremy.

Michael had realized he was hopelessly pining this boy, but kept telling himself Jeremy was straight and didn't want him.

One cloudless night Michael was laying face up on the pier, smoking a joint as Jeremy rested his arms on the edge of the wood, admiring Michael.

Jeremy didn't know what it was about the tawny human that made him feel all of these emotions. The way Michael smirks, making his eyes crinkle made Jeremy melt just thinking about it. How he sticks out his tongue slightly when he's concentrated or how his chime-like laugh can light up the night.

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