Chapter 9: The Agreement

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"Jeanette?! Jeanette?!" Simon called as he ran up to the treehouse, "Jeanette we need to talk..." Jeanette was sitting in her bed, she already knew what Simon wanted her for. "I-I'm up here Simon.." she replied. Simon made his way up to their room. "Jeanette, can we maybe, uhh.. talk about something.." he asked as he sat down, "Alvin and Theodore told me that you got the--"
"Female lead in the play?" Jeanette interrupted. "Uhh yeah that.." Simon replied. Jeanette looked down, "I already know all the lines and choreography.." She said in response. "I didn't even know you liked acting.." He said back. Jeanette sighed, "I don't really.. my sisters made me.. they made me try out.." Simon felt something sad trickle through him as Jeanette said this, "So you didn't cause you like me or anything.. right..?" Jeanette shook her head, "N-No!! I-I mean.. uhh kind--" Before she finished Simon interrupted, "O-Oh.. Okay.." He wasn't smiling anymore.. He was frowning but not heavily. "Well you don't have too Jeanette, I understand if you don't with the kissing scene and all.."

"N-No Simon I really don't mind. This is one of the biggest plays this year.. I actually don't want to miss it." She smiled, "It's just a short small little kiss... That reminds me.. We should probably practice." She was smiling. She was confident and didn't hesitate. "What happened to nervous Jeanette?" Simon thought.

"Uhh yeah I guess w-we should..b-but I have no idea what to do or anything.."

"Simon take my hands.."

Simon did as instructed and he and Jeanette were face to face.. "Good." She smiled, "now keep looking at my eyes and lean closer.." ((In case any of you fine readers are wondering how Jeanette got the confidence and skill to do this, Alvin helped boost her confidence and she watched some videos about kissing ^-^))
Simon met her gaze they could feel each other's blush and warmth being given off by it.
Their noses were touching and they had never been closer. As they stared in each other's eyes it was like looking in a mirror of the different gender. Each of them was about to lean in for a sweet and tender "practice" kiss, but little did they know, some curious chipmunks were watching them. But they didn't know that..
And at the same time
Simon and Jeanette leaned in and their lips met as they shared their first kiss. It wouldn't seem like much to someone but to Simon and Jeanette it was everything. Off in the distance the other chipmunks were watching wide-eyed and shocked, but were still going "awwww~~~"

After a few seconds They broke the kiss and caught their breaths. "S-So Jeanette was that good?" Simon asked while still catching his breath.

"I-It was wonderful.." Jeanette swooned nervously. Her shyness had finally caught up to her. They were both about to lean into another kiss when they heard clapping and crying.

"Oh my gosh that was so beautiful!" Brittany cried hugging Alvin. "Awww!!" That was adorable!" Theodore said to Eleanor who nodded and pretended to wipe away tears.

"Can you guys please go for a moment?" Simon asked trying to be polite, he was in a good mood so didn't feel that angry at all.

"Ughhh fine!" Alvin replied as him and the other chipmunks walked off and who knows where. Simon and Jeanette were now alone together again. "Simon, there's something I have to tell you about the play.." Jeanette spoke up breaking the silence.

"What is it?" Simon asked. Jeanette stared at him, "T-There's no Kissing scene in the play.." She stared to Simon waiting for his response wondering if he'd be upset or angry.
"Jeanette," Simon smiled, "I always figured that.. It's not really in the script or anything.." He took her hands, "But I guess now we'll add one whenever we rehearse." Jeanette smiled back, "I'd Like that a lot." After she said this Simon got a text from Dave telling him he had to go home to eat Dinner. "Well Goodnight Jeanette, I have to go." As he was leaving Jeanette waved goodbye with a smile and called as he walked out, "I'll see you tomorrow for "rehearsal." Simon Blew a Kiss as he walked out the door.

"They were right." Jeanette sighed as she happily drifted off to sleep. "They were sooo right."
The End.

Thanks For Reading!! I hope you liked it. This was my first fic and I'm really proud of how it turned out! Also thank you for all the positive feedback I got! I'm starting a new fic This Week Chapter one should be out on either Monday or Tuesday if you want to read that. Thank you all so Much.
XOXO ~~Stets

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