Chapter Four

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"Why is it so cold in here?!" Courtney said obnoxiously while pulling her shirt sleeves down.

Bridgette gave her a weird look, "What are you talking about? You're always complaining how it's hot."

Courtney shivered and crossed her arms, "It doesn't need to be this cold!"

Bridgette rolled her eyes and continued to go through her closet.

"This one?"

She pulled a light blue dress with sleeves that went off the shoulder.

Courtney nodded and smiled, "That's perfect!"

Bridgette blushed and placed the dress on the bed, "Thanks. I got that a few years ago for my cousins wedding but she ended up calling it off because she was in love with some guy named Paul."

Courtney laughed, "Paul?"

Bridgette nodded while taking off her shirt to put the dress on, "Yeah. I guess they met in Yukon and she fell in love with him. Real skinny and tall dude, it was weird."

"So have you ever wore the dress?"

Bridgette shook her head as she put it on, "Nope. Which is why it's perfect to wear it tonight."

Tonight Bridgette's and Geoff's family were having dinner together, even though they had been together for nearly 7 years, it was hard to get every family member together.

"Well, what do you think?"

Courtney was in awe how amazing Bridgette looked, a little jealous even.


Bridgette blushed and began to admire herself in the mirror, "My tits look great!"

"I know!"

Just as the girls were freaking out over the gorgeous dress, Duncan knocked on the bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Courtney called out.

Duncan opened the door, "Geoff and I are gonna run to-"

He stopped when he saw Bridgette in the dress.

"Damn Malibu. Haven't seen you that dressed up since prom."

Bridgette rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Where are you and Geoff going?"

Geoff suddenly barged into the bedroom, "Go get some beer for this weekend. We'll be back in a hour probs." He walked over to Bridgette and kissed her.

"Be careful. And be back before seven!" She yelled as the blonde walked out of the bedroom.

"You too, I don't need to be a widow before we're even married."

Duncan smirked and kissed the brunette, "Don't worry princess. As long as i'm driving, there won't be an accident."

Bridgette shrugged, "He's got a point."

Courtney rolled her eyes and kissed him again, "I love you."

Duncan smirked, "I love you too, mrs uptight."

Before Courtney could smack him, he walked out of the room and to the front door.

Once both of the guys left, Bridgette sighed and sat next to Courtney on the bed.

"Can I ask you something?"

Courtney nodded, "Of course."

Bridgette grabbed her hand, "Will you do my makeup?"

Courtney rolled her eyes and pushed Bridgette's hand off of hers.

"You're an idiot, of course I will. Now come on!"

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