Chapter four

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"I agree."

"I liked the film you chose, Jason," Alex admitted.


"I liked the movie, too," Amy added. She had arrived one hour earlier, around ten p.m.

They had been siting since one hour and a half, watching a classic movie at Alex's place. Amy was late, but she understood the plot and the theme of the movie: love, sex, drugs, a married, unhappy woman and an unmarried man who falls in love with her.

The three of them were sitting on the same couch, popcorn in their hands. Alex was in the middle, Amy to his right and Jason to his left.

When Amy showed up, Alex and Jason were halfway through the movie and the look on her face was that of an apology. She was indirectly apologizing because by coming to Alex's place, she had interrupted the two boys' night together – even if to Jason, their night together might have been only pure friendship. Amy knew that to Alex it was not only "pure friendship".

"I really have to go."

"You're not going anywhere, J." Alex was determined.

"I have to go see Max and I have work to do."

"Max is not your lover. He can live without you," Alex declared jokingly.

"I have things to do at my place. I stayed here and it was unexpected."

"Let him go if he wants to."

"I don't want him to go, Amy."

"He has to."

"Hello?" Jason said, waving at Amy and Alex. "He is here, you know." Alex apologized. Amy was silent.

Jason smiled. "It's okay but I really have to go. We'll see each other again."

"Now that you're here, we can hang out. Plus, it's summer." Alex was joyful he got to see his friend. "I can drive you," Alex added.

"Crazy," Amy murmured in Alex's ear.

"What was that?" Jason asked, smiling.

"Nothing," Amy and Alex answered immediately.

"I'll stay here if you don't mind," Amy announced.

"You can always stay," Alex said. "You know I never mind."

Amy stood up. "It was nice seeing you again, Jason."

"Same here."


"Do you want some?"

"Yes, please."

He closed the door behind him and walked towards Amy to grab his glass of wine. Both of them went back to the living room to sit on the sofa.

"He is hotter than before, my goodness." Amy was astonished.

"Indeed. I can't urge the feeling to devour his neck. I've always wanted to. That guy is extremely attractive. He just becomes sexier and sexier."

"How are you doing?"


"I mean – how are you handling it?"

"Pretty bad."

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for."

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