Chapter Thirteen

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Amy, Alex and Jason arrived in London Heathrow Airport at 5.33 p.m. Two hours of flight without stopping wasn't bad at all. Alex had once gone to New York with his parents and it had taken several long hours – annoyingly long.

Unfortunately, they spent one hour and a half in the airport, waiting. They knew London Heathrow was the biggest and busiest Airport in Europe but had never imagined it to be this crowded.

At 7.46 p.m., they finally found a cab and hopped in it. Their hotel wasn't far from the airport; only seven miles.

"So, the hotel's name is Quiffle?" Alex asked, sandwiched in the back seat by Jason and


"Yes," Amy responded, nodding.

They sat in silence, watching the cab driver. He had a moustache and seemed to be kind. But appearances could be deceiving.


"I don't see why you wouldn't. You guys are together now." Amy's voice showed a hint of tiredness.

They were sitting in Alex and Jason's room, on the king-size bed. Fresh colors decorated the room: blue and white bed, red, blue and white heavy curtains, and two wardrobes made of light colored wood. A tableau hanged on the wall opposite to that of the bed.

Amy smiled, sitting on the chair, facing the two men who sat on the bed.

Alex rested his head on Jason's shoulder.

"I thought before booking it and then, suddenly, it came to me that one double-bed might please Jason." She winked.

"Oh, it does Amy. Thank you," he answered and turned to kiss his boyfriend on the head.

Alex sat straight and looked at Jason as if to tell him something. His lips moved, hesitating. Then, he said, "You know, I like it better when you kiss me on my lips. Just saying, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining."

"I doubt neither of the two things you mentioned." Jason smiled. "I'm kissing you wherever you want, baby." He leaned and brushed his lips on Alex's cheeks, then neck and finally shoulder. He bit hard.

Amy didn't feel uncomfortable but she wanted to leave them alone. "I think I better go."

"No. Stay!"

"I'm going to go. We all need to get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow in the morning. " With that, she pushed the door to their hotel room open and disappeared behind it.

THE TWO MEN LAY NAKED IN THE BED. ALEX AND JASON ONLY WORE BRIEFS. THEY HEARD A knock on the door but quickly ignored the sound.

Jason wanted to feel more of the body he was wrapped around. He wanted to show his possessiveness to everyone, even though no one was in the room. He lazily kissed the back of Alex's neck and tried to sleep.

Another knock on the door startled them both.

"Mmm. Babe, do you mind opening the door?"

Barely comprehending, Alex slid out of his bed, leaving Jason behind. He grabbed his sweatpants and pulled them on.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me. Open the door."

He strode to the door and opened it. "Amy." He yawned. "What are you doing here at this time?"

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