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I miss her,
I loved her,
So I miss her,
I do.

She came as I came,
We came from the New.

I wish her to be,
still with me,
I do.

Quick lies,
Crystal eyes,
Taking the true,

Hiding it down,
Deep in dirt,
Deep in blood,

Closing it in,
To protect us from flood,

Disguising it nice,
With blossoms in bud,

Petals leak to the floor,
And with a gentle thud,

Each lands in ash,
The ashes of the ones,

The ones from before.
And the steel clicks of guns,

They echo along,
Cruel sync,
And even as she runs,

From the scene of the crime,
Our love,
Moons and suns,

Litter her path,
She's beautiful when she runs.

I miss her,
I loved her,
So I miss her,
I do.

But she sought the Old when we lived in the New.


Somethin' scary futuristic for ya.

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