Ch 14 - Best Thing To Happen To Me

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"We can't go any lower than this Cuba. You need to decide whether or not we're doing this based on what we've just given you," he told me.

I looked to Nate and we seemed to be thinking the same thing. "What do you think Nate?"

"I think the project has some merit to it, but if we're doing this with this budget, then you and your team had better make sure that you knock it out the park," he told them what I was thinking.

"We won't let you down," Cheryl, Ian's right hand woman, said excitedly.

"If that's all, I'd like to get back to my office. I have a couple of things to attend to," I said, standing to leave.

"Things like London Simmons?" Ian questioned.

I raised an eyebrow. "Firstly, she's not a thing. She's my girlfriend. Secondly, don't talk about her like that."

"Your girlfriend huh? According to your grandfather's will, she's surely worth a hell of a lot more," he said arrogantly.

"I'm not doing this with you Ian," I told him as I headed to my office.

He followed after me. "Does the poor woman even know that she's being used just so that you can get your inheritance?"

"Cool it Ian. This is none of your business," Nate said on my behalf.

I was getting too pissed off to speak.

"I'm just saying. I'd want to know if I was being used like that. Your PR team may have been able to kill the story quickly, but a whole lot of us are already curious to know more about the lovely London Simmons," Ian said before walking away.

"He gets on my every nerve," I grumbled as I walked into my office.

"Whatever it is, you can't kill him for it," Ingrid commented. She was already sitting there waiting for me.

"Believe me, I know and it sucks that I'm actually following orders," I mumbled.

"And I'm happy that you are. However, he's onto something. I overheard that last bit he said, and he's not wrong. People are curious about London, especially since the two of you went out to lunch, even though they don't exactly know that she's London," she informed.

I sighed, sitting in my chair while Nate sat next to her. "What exactly are you here to talk to me about Ingrid?"

"I'm honestly just here to ask what you intend to do about the London situation," she replied.

"Firstly, we're going to stop referring to my girlfriend and mother of my child as a situation," I commented.

She blushed. "Sorry."

"Secondly, like I told the board members, what is going on between London and I, and my grandfather's will, really have nothing to do with anyone. So the will was leaked; that doesn't automatically grant the whole world access into the next moves I make in my life. Nothing changes honestly. I'm not going to be giving any kind of statement to any press, but I'm not hiding London either, especially now that she's pregnant. The last thing I need is her pregnancy becoming an even bigger deal just because I hid her," I explained.

"Ok, fair enough. Does her family know?" Ingrid asked.

"She told her mom before we left. She didn't take the news well, which is why London's here with me now. I think she wanted to just get away for a while. What we don't know is if her father and brother have found out yet or not," I responded.

"And how long do you expect to keep her out of the loop about the will? In fact, what makes you so confident that she won't find out about it now that it's out there? People like Sophia exist in your life Cuba. You need to tell her before someone else blindsides her with this," Nate pointed out.

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