Ch 1 - Ready For An Adventure

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Elo Smurflettes

As promised, a new story from Radish. It should be updated weekly.

You can read it on Radish. My username is KMoncho.

Enjoy. ❤


"Congratulations Class of 2015!"

The hall erupted with cheers as graduation caps were flung in the air. Happiness clouded the room as classmates hugged each other. We'd made it- from a starting group of six hundred and twenty, to a graduating class of one hundred and fifteen.

We'd made it.

I was especially thrilled about being done because it only meant that I could leave this place faster; not that I didn't care much for graduating top of the class. I was just really excited about my all expenses paid impending trip to Europe.

I rushed through the crowds to find my parents. I'd never really been a socialite, even when I was younger, so I knew that everyone else wouldn't really notice me. I found my parents standing with someone I didn't think would come.

"Junior!" I shouted in glee before ambushing my brother in a bear hug.

Well, as much of a bear hug as someone as tiny as me could manage.

JR chuckled, hugging me back. "Why do you look so surprised to see me?"

"I honestly didn't think you'd make it," I admitted.

"And miss my baby sister's graduation? What do you take me for?" he feigned hurt.

In all honesty, I didn't think he'd make it because of his demanding job. Unlike me, my brother had gone a route that made our parents proud. He chose to become an Engineer, while I chose the Arts. I'd just graduated with my Masters in Literature, something my parents could never quite understand.

I couldn't really blame them. My father is a world renowned Cardiologist, and my mother is a notorious Physicist. When my brother announced that he was taking up Engineering, they couldn't have been happier, and were eager to see what their daughter would choose just years later.

I unfortunately let them down.

It's not that I don't have the smarts for 'a more challenging career' as my parents put it, but merely the fact that I don't have the passion for it. I refused to study what they wanted me to because I was well aware of the fact that I'd be the one living with the decision I make.

Nonetheless, they supported my venture, paying for everything and anything I ever needed, and even though they never showed or said it, I know that they are proud of me for not only taking a stand against them, but for being passionate about it and sticking with it this far.

"I'm sorry big brother. How long are you in town for?" I asked.

He squeezed me a little tighter. "Up until you leave. I'm not staying with mum and dad, no offence guys."

"We don't want you to stay either," my dad scoffed.

"You don't?" JR and I asked in confusion.

My mum giggled. "Your father's taking me on a two week vacation to Bali now that you've both moved out of the house."

I laughed. "Must be nice."

My dad smirked. "Oh, it will be!"

"Eeuw dad," JR and I said in disgust.

We laughed it off before agreeing to go out for lunch. We already knew that the night had been reserved for my graduation party, something I hadn't planned by the way. I headed out to my Mini Cooper; a gift I'd received just three years before, on my twenty first birthday. I took off my graduation robe and put it in the back of the car, together with my graduation cap.

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