Chapter 8 + Where you are the one I need

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« Essie. Essie ! C'mon, wake up. »

My eyes hardly opened themselves and I saw the face of my brother above my own. I sit up better on the very uncomfortable chair I chose, between two other. The hospital corridors were full of these. They should burn them. They were terrible.

« - What time is it ? I whispered.

- Two in the morning. Almost. How are you ?

-My back hurts and I'm bloody tired. You ?

- Same. Plus I'm hungry. Essie, I don't wanna sleep at home tonight.

- Where will you...

- James accepted to host me. It's ok. Don't worry.

- Ok then. Good night Charlie.

- 'Night. See you tomorrow. »

I nodded, looked at him as he was walking through the corridor. When I couldn't see him anymore, I brought my eyes on the door in front of me and had a deep sigh.

Behind this door was lying my mother. Her cancer became stronger and this afternoon, she fell in the living room. Her bones were weak, extremely weak, and her legs couldn't bear her anymore. Her doctor said that she had to fight. He decided to make her stay two or three days at the hospital, just to look after her. I was terrified. I was under the impression that the farewells were not too far from us, and I didn't want her to leave. I'd be alone if she'll die.

Alone. That was the word that could qualify my situation now. I was alone. My brother left, my mother was sleeping, like the rest of the country... It was two in the morning, but being alone in this case was the most unfair thing in the world. I needed someone next to me. I needed to talk.

A nurse sat next to me with two goblets, full of coffee. She had a sad smile and gave me one of the cups. If her badge was telling the truth, her name was Philippa. I thhanked her with a nod. I needed to talk, but it turned out that no word could get out of my mouth.

« - You're Mrs Adams' daughter ? she said after she glanced at the door of the bedroom.

- Yes. I'm Essie. »

My voice was chocked with sobs. I haven't cried yet, but it seemed that it was coming soon.

« - I wish you luck. Where's your brother ?

- He went to his friend's for the night.

- And your father ?

- He... »

I stopped. I couldn't go further.

« - I see. Sorry.

- It's ok, Philippa.

- I'm just Pippa for you. »

She smiled again, stood up and entered a bedroom, quite far from my mother's one. I drunk a bit of the coffee she gave me. The hotness of the drink made me feel better. I took my phone from my pocket and went through my contacts to find someone to call. Charlie ? In the underground, on his way to James'. Kate ? In Scotland with her boyfriend. Mum ? Haha, funny. Will was the last of my contacts. He was certainly watching a movie, at this time.

When I was thinking about my social life, I couldn't say it was brilliant. It was terrible, actually. I had my mother, my brother, Kate. And Will was back for a few. He was the fourth person I could count on, and he was the one liable to answer his phone and to accept leaving his house, walk through the night and come sit on the chair next to me. He will, if I ask him. We were friends. He gave me his gloves.

« - Hello ? he said quietly, contrasting with the loud "beep" I heard before.

- Hi. Will. Were you sleeping ?

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