Chapter 9 + Where we can't get closer

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I've been woken up, that morning, by the soft voice of Chris Martin. He was telling his love to a girl with green eyes, in the song that was playing right now. I yawned, and made my fingers run on the end table in order to find my phone. It was three in the afternoon. Fantastic. As Chris stopped talking to his geeen-eyes girl and started to describe a winter landscape, I put a pair of really soft socks on, which was belonging to my friend, judging by its size. Then I left the guest room and joined Will in the living-room. He was singing along with the Coldplay's singer while setting the table. " Was a long and dark December, where did I put the fork ?" I laughed, he heard me, and smiled.

«  - Sorry for having wake you up.

- Don't worry. I slept too much anyway.

-Twelve hours.

- Way too much then. »

It was smelling so good that I couldn't help going into the kitchen and checking what he was preparing for lunch. Well, lunch. It wasn't lunch time anymore, but, let's call it a lunch. Fried eggs, fried bacon, and I could see cookies baking in the oven. Brilliant. I noticed that cookies became "our thing". I came back in the dining-room, where Will was now making suppositions with Chris.

« I hope you put enough of butter in your cookies, boy. »

He put out his tongue from his mouth and I laughed again. I suddenly remembered I haven't laughed for ages, and my grin disappeared. Will approached me and put his hands on my shoulders.

« - I called at your home. Charlie's back. Your Mum is alright. If you want to, we can go visit her later on.

- You're definitely the best friend ever.

- Thanks. It's been a pleasure to take care of you. »

I gave a brief smile and Will clapped his hands.

« - D'you know what tie is it ?

- Ten past three ? I said after I checked on my phone, that was still in my hands.

- Wrong answer.

- Did our timezone change ?

- Essie, it's fried eggs and bacon time !

- Silly me, of course it is ! »

I was hungry, to be honest. The last thing I ate was a cookie at the hospital, thirteen hours ago. Will's smile increased, he told me to have a seat. Two minuets later he was back from the kitchen with two plates in his hands. He put one in front of me with a "Madam" and I giggled. We ate our eggs and bacon while Chris Martin was promising to fix us, or to try at least. Then Will went into the kitchen again, and a minute later, I heard :


I stood up from my chair and joined him in the kitchen. He was staring on the cookies, still inside the oven with a sort of thinking, wondering expression. He turned his face in my direction and shew the oven with his thumb.

« Do I have to let them bake a little bit more ? »

I approached the oven and stared at the cookies.

« - Five more minutes.

- Ok chef. »

We turned our face at the same time and our noses hurt each other. We both laughed a little, and then a heavy silence fall above our heads. Will's blue eyes dived into mines. That was awkward.

« - Will...

- Can I just check something ?

- Yes, I said quietly. »

And he kissed me. I just underwent it, because I didn't know how to react to this. He separated our lips three seconds later. It's been soft, sweet, shy.

« Now I'm sure I'm in love with you. »

I didn't know what to say, what to do. I was just surprised. He was in love with me. No one fell in love with me before. He was the very first to tell me this. As I was still quiet, he just get further and pushed on his glasses to keep them on his nose, as always.

« - I'm sorry, he said as he sat on the counter.

- It's OK. »

I took his hand and forced him to look at me.

« Actually it was more than OK.  »

He came down from the counter and almost stuck his chest against mine. The three inches between us, usually insignificant, were looking so immense right now.

« - What is it, more than OK ? he whispered.

- Perfect. »

He smiled shyly, bended forward and kissed me again. But this kiss was more intimate, passionate. That was a real kiss. The sort of kiss exchanged between two people who loved each other. Caused I loved Will Darbyshire. I always did. He just had to kiss me to make me realise it.

« - The cookies, he then said.

- Sorry ? »

He turned off the oven, and the light inside switched off.

« - Excuse me. Where was I.

- Can't remember

- C'mon, collaborate.

- Alright. »

I stood on tiptoe and softly put my lips on his ones. And I realised that, unconsciously, I was waiting for that day since I was four.

Sleeping with SocksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant