Chapter 11 + Where I guide you through my life

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  • Dédié à Katie Sushi

June. As known as "the best mounth of the year". It was the sign of the end of school, the end of exams... But among all, the begining of summer. Beaches, ice creams, sun, fun, partis, travls... These words were synonym of happiness to me, and I was so excited about this summer.

Today was the eigtheenth day of this fabulous mounth, and my 25 year-old cousin, Laura, was getting married at three o'clock in the afternoon, in the marvelous city of Bristol. As a child, I spent a lot of time in this tiwn, espacially on summer. I was usually spending a few weeks at  my mother's younger sister's house, who was also Laura's mother. Laura was an amazing person : brilliant, kind, helpful, always there for the ones she loved, and absolutely beautiful. She's always been a big sister to me, a sort of inspiration. I remembered when she was waiting for me to get out of my train, at Bristol's station, her mum beside her. A lot of sweet memories came over my mind when I put my left foot on the platform, this day of June, with Will Darbyshire behind me.

« At least out of this train ! » he said as he was stretching his back.

Our journey's been terrible. Actually, the space separating a seat to another was way too small four our way too long legs. So we spent a few hours, sat with our legs stuck to each other, unable to move them, even for a half of a centimeter. Horrible. But we survived, and walking through the crowd was the best feeling ever after all this time of immobility and silence. Holding our suitcases, on our way to find a taxi, I was so happy I was back in this city where I had so many good moments. I couldn't stop smiling, and Will quickly noticed it.

« -You're gonna get a tootache or something if you let your mouth like that.

- Sorry... I just... I love this place so much.

- I can tell. When was the last time you went here ?

- I would say five years ago, I replied after a short time of thinking.

- It's been a while then.

- Yep.

- You should smile like that more often. It suits you a lot. »

I raised my eyes to his face and kissed his cheek.

We arrived at my aunt's house half an hour later. When the taxi stopped in front of her country-side cottage, Samuel, my uncle, appeared at the door-step. He smiled when he saww me getting out of the car, and immediately came to hug me, as Will was paying the taxi driver. He told me how happy he was to see me again, that he missed me a lot and that I became a very pretty young woman. I giggled, a little bit awkward. He then stepped back and shouted :

« Oh, let me help you boy ! »

I watched him taking the suitcase Will didn't take, and they both entered the house. I followed them, took a deap breath and sighed with a smile.

« Essie ! Welcome back sweetie ! »

My aunt Emma ran through the living-romm I just entered, and took me in her arms. After all these years, she was still smellng the same : soap, fresh cut grass and chocolate. Will softly put my suitcase on the ceramic floor, and my aunt quichly turned back.

« - Who's that lovely boy, Essie ?

- That's Will. Will, this is my aunt Emma and my uncle Sam.

- That's a pleasure to meet you, Will said.

- He's adorable ! » Emma whispered to her husband before he nodded in agreement.

Will smiled shyly, and so I did. Samuel helped him to bring our stuff into our bedroom. the one I was sleeping in when I came here before. Nothing has changed, not even the position of Peanut, my brown teddy-bear.

Sleeping with SocksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant