Chapter 10 + When I wake up beside you.

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« Essie ? »

I knitted my eyebrows, but kept my eyes closed. I didn't know what time it was, but I felt like it was way too early to wake up.

« - Essie ?

- What ? »

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I was tunring on myself to lie on my back.

« -There's something wrong.

- I know. We're woken up before the sun.

- Yes. But there's something worse.

- C'mon... »

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was a pair of blue pupils. I couldn't help smiling, and I stretched myself.

« - Will, I promise that if you just woke me up for something pointless, I'm gonna...

- I lost my glasses.

- Are you joking ? »

I sat under the sheets of my bed and he gently took my face in his hands before he kissed me.

« - I'm serious.

- I'm gonna kill you, sir. »

He shrugged his shoulders and asked me to help him in his "looking for my glasses" activity. That is how we ended up running everywhere in my bedromm, in pajamas, in order to find his fucking glasses.

Will and I were in a relationship for a month now. And that month turned out to be the best of my life. We were occupying each other's house a week long, and we were "moving", if we could say that, every Wednesdays.  We were on Thursday, today, and we arrived at my house yesterday evening, just before dinner.

After five minutes of researching, Will's glasse were nowhere to be found.

« - Don't you remember what you've done with them ? I asked him with a sigh.

- No idea.

- Were you wearing them during the movie we watched yesterday ?

- The living room. Brilliant. »

He silently opened the door of my bedroom, and we immediatly heard the snoring of my borther. He put his forefinger on his lips and told me to follow him with his hand. We both got out of the room, crossed the landing and quietly wlaked down the stairs. We weren't doing a lot of noise, thanks to the sleeping socks we were both wearing.

Apparently, my mother was still sleeping because all the first floor was dived into darkness. Since she fell and "lost" her legs, a month ago, she was staying in her bed until a very late time in the morning. I sighed as Will and I went into the living-room. We made disapeared a lot of the furnitures it contained, in order to let space to my mother's rolling-chair. But, even after a month, it was still suprising me. I was not used to see an empty living room in this house. I switched on the light and Will's glasses immediately caught my our eyes, as they were lying on the table. He jumped above the sofa, took his glasses and put them onto his nose. I looked at the clock, saw the time and sighed again.

« - Why did you need your glasses at seven in the morning ?

- I explain. I woke up and you were still sleeping. So I decided to watch you sleeping.

- You can see me without your glasses.

- I do. But I quickly get bored, and I wanted to read the book you advised me.

- Tss. You're such an idiot.

- An adorable idiot. You told me this yesterday. »

I did. He remembered. I smiled.

« - Just telle me you know where you're book is.

- I don't need a book if you're awake.

- Will. »

Here was another sigh.

« - You woke me up because you wanted me to help you finding your glasses, because you needed them to read while waiting for me to wake up.

- Yes.

- Why didn't you wake me up and say "I'm bored, wake up, I need distraction" ?

- God bless, I'm an idiot.

- What I told you. »

He laughed and sat on the sofa. I sat next to him and he passed his arms around my shoulders. I was feeling safe. We stayed like that for a moment, without saying anything, before he borke the silence.

« - What is in that bow, on the chimney ?

- Pictures of us, I said after I let a smile recover my whole fface. Things of us. When we were at Primary School.

- NO WAY. »

He stood up, caught the box and sat on floor, leaning against the sofa. I sat crossed-legs on it, right beside my boyfriend, as he was opening the little wooden box.

A lot of memories came back to our mind as we were looking at the bunch of pictures lying inside. Some were funny. Some were not. Some were beautiful. The sun was starting to rise when Will put down the last photo and opened his eyes widely when he saw that it was still something in the box. I didn't remember that they were here, and I almost cried when Will softly take them in his hands.

« No you didn't. » he whispered.

We were both looking at the gloves in silence. This pair of brown polar gloves, symbol of the begining of our friendship, was looking like it was from another time. They were so small.

« - I never forgot that day, Es. The one I gave you my gloves.

- Me neither.

- I never forgot how cold and alone you were, on your swing.

- Thanks to you I'm not cold and alone anymore. »

He tipped his head back and I saw his smile. I smiled back, bended my head and kissed him. A few seconds later, we heard someone caughing and we turned around to see where that noise came from.


« Sorry children. I'm gonna make some tea. »

And she rolled to the kitchen. Will sat on his knees and looked at her leaving the room, to finally bring his sight back on my face.

« - I love your mmother.

- She loves you too.

- I love the mornings I spend with you.

-They love you too. »

He laughed, and stoked my cheek with his fingers.

« - I love you.

- I love you too. »

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