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Hiyas! I've been really busy this week (I know! Me, busy? :P) But I managed to find time to write a chapter! Enjoy it everyone!


Wendy's P.O.V.

"I' tiiiiiiiiiired!", Happy complained for the tenth time, flying next to Carla.

"You've been flying the entire time, you stupid cat!", Lucy yelled at him.

"And we've been walking for only an hour, sheesh.", Gray pointed out, gesturing to the still-visible shape of the guild.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeendyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?", Happy called, hovering in front of me.

"What, Happy?", I asked, hoping he wouldn't say-

"Can you heal my wings from the tiredness?" He asked, putting on hi¡s "feel sorry for me" face.

Carla slapped him,"IDIOT! Wendy needs to save her strength for when she needs it most."

Happy flew over to Natsu and Kiyoki, who were leading us away from Magnolia,"Kiyokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?"

Natsu swatted the Exceed away,"Didn't you just hear what Carla said? Kiyoki needs to save her st-"

"Natsu, lave him alone.", Kiyoki scolded, lifting out her arms, "Come here, Happy." The blue cat landed on her open hands. Kiyoki's palms began to glow, and white light wrapped itself around Happy's wings. "This'll wear off in an hour, so wean off it slowly to get you're strength back."

"Thanks, Kiyoki>", Haooy leapt into the air, no longer complaining.

"Juvia can put the water cannon away now.", I heard Juvia mutter from behind me, and I heard Gray chuckle in response. Those two need to be a couple soon, or I'm goin to do some re=andom flash-mob thing to convince them.

"Kiyoki, do you know where we're going?", Jellal asked from in front of me. Erza's head was resting on his shoulder, their hands entwined. The pair hadn't spoken a word in the hour, only whispering to each other.

"We're heading to Mt. Flair, Gildarts was attacked by a dragon, whom I presume is Agnicolia, there. We look there first for any signs of dragons.", She told the blue-haired mage, before suddenly stopping.

"You feel it to?", Gajeel asked, standing next to her."Like someone's watching you?"

"I feel it too.", Natsu said, shiftind his weight.

"Same here.", I whispered.

"Who's there!?", Levy called from beside me,"Show yourself!", Her voice rang out through the empty forest, as the feeling left us as mysteriously as it came.

"Stick together, everyone."Gray called out pulling everyone closer,"We can't get separated."

"If anyone senses anything, stop, ok?", Levy said, we all nodded in answer.

"I wish I knew what it was." Gajeel muttered as he took his place beside Levy,"Stick with me, Shrimp." Shrimp was his nickname for Levy, and it got on her nerves. I giggled as I watched her glare at the dragon slayer. She was short for her age, but she made up for it in spunk.


Gajeel's P.O.V.

We walked until the sun set, stopping in a large clearing to make camp.

"We'll leave when the sun rises." Erza said as we sat around the large fire, courtesy of Natsu. The fire dragon-slayer was leaning against a tree, combing his fingers through Kiyoki's golden hair as she slept on his lap.

Gray and Juvia went for a walk, and haven't come back yet. Said they'll be at a nearby lake or something.

Erza and Jellal went to get some sleep, ubt by the sound of their voices coming from the tent, they'll be up all night.

Lucy and Wendy were laughing as they watched Happy try to ask Carla out on a date. I snorted, when will that cat realise she's not interested.

"Gajeel?", I looked to see Levy sitting beside me. Her skin was turned a golden brown in the light of the fire, making her hair seem brown. There was uncertainty on her face.

"Yeah?", I asked her, she looked worried.

"Why am I here? I have no offensive abilities whatsoever, nada, zero, zilch, nothing, and they pick me, but why?", She looked into my eyes, hoping for an answer.

"You underestimate yourself, you know. Your power could mean life or death to any of us. Solid Script is really handy."

"You and I both know that's a whole load of rubbish. My magic doesn't help at all." She frowned, looking deeper, past my eyes, and into my very soul..

I turned away from her heart-piercing gaze,"I'm sorry." I whispered.

She was caught off guard,"What? What are you apologising for?"

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you when I was with Phantom Lord, for hurting you. I can't believe..." My voice died off.

"Believe what, Gajeel?", Levy placed her small, smooth hand over my rough, large one.

I quickly brushed mt lips ahainst hers and stood up," I can't believe I hurt someone as powerful, as amazing, as beautiful, as perfect as you, Levy.", I walked into the forest, leaving Levy siting there, blushing.


Levy's P.O.V.

Powerful? Amazing? Beautiful? Perfect? Nobody's used those words to describe me. I blushed, did he care for me as much as I cared for him? Seems like it. "Gajeel?", I called out as I walked into the forest to look for the dragon-slayer. I heard a noise, so stopped and slowly turned to face the direction it came from. I crept past the old, worn oaks, the light of the moon bleaching everything a shade of white. I came to a clearing, took one look at what I saw, and screamed.


Gajeel's P.O.V.

I ran towards the sound of Levy's scream, trees rushing past me. "LEVY!", I called out. afraid the Solid Script wizard was hurt. I came to a small clearing, where a pile of scales rose and fell in a similar pattern to breathing.

"WHAT IS THAT!?", She screamed from the other side of the clearing, her face was bleached white in the moonlight, her blue hair faded. I skirted around the edges of the clearing, and soon reached Levy, who was cowering against a tree.

"Levy," I said, pulling her close to me. She wimpered into my chest, her tears soaking my shirt.

"What is that?", She whispered, burying her face in my shirt.

"I don't know.", I replied, stroking her hair.

"WHAT HAPPENED!!?? Levy screamed- oh.", The rest of the group burst out of random places and into the clearing. They looked at Levy and I, then the pile, then us and the pile again.

"Are we intterupting something?", Gray started, his arm around Juvia's waist.

KIyoki stepped forward towards the pile of scales and gingerly picked up a few. She chuckled, fingering a few scales in her hand,"This is brilliant. These are a mix of scales from Igneel, Metalicana and Gallah. This is PERFECT!" She squealed, then gasped, the pile began to move


HI! Had this written down for like AGES! And then I had a brainwave that would compltly change the story im writing :O Bye for now!

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