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This is dedicated to Monica99 (dedication wont work :O) HEEEEEEEY! I've been wanting to get this up for AAAAAAAAAAGES!!!! Prepare to be O_O ed


Leo's P.O.V.

"Leo, I'm scared.", Aries curled up deeper into my chest, the steel shackles around her wrists cold against my skin.

"You need to be brave, Aries. For Leonardo and Ariana.", I whispered into her hair.

"That's who I'm scared for.", I felt the same way, Ariana had temper issues, and Leonardo was really shy, more than his mother. There was no way they could look after each other.

"Lucy and the others will look after them.", I said, remembering the promise I made to Fairy Tail. "Our kids are as much members of Fairy Tail as we are."

"Lucky you. Who's going to look after Sirena and Angelo?", Aquarius sobbed in Scorpio's arms. She hadn't stopped crying since we got here, I felt a tiny bit sorry for her.

"At least your kids have someone with them. Viola's all on her own.", Lyra muttered from beside me.

"Nash can't even talk! And you're worried about Viola!", Gemi and Mini snapped.

"We shouldn't be fighting about this, we need to get out of here." Virgo started inching closer to us.

"It's no use, Leo couldn't break down the damn door. How could we, at only half strength?", Capricorn stated, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Combining magic?", Cancer suggested, I shook my head.

"It'll only rebound back at us.", I said. Cancer frowned.

"Is that even possible?", Pisces wondered out loud. Libra shrugged.

"Even if you did combine powers safey, you still wouldn't be able to break the lock." I looked up, and glared at the lightning dragon looking at us through the dark magic bars holding us in. "Only dragon magic can break it."

"Why do you even want us?", I asked, careful with my tone. I was scared he would hurt Aries if I went too far.

"YOU are bait. I need you to be a little helpless.", He chuckled, a deep rumbling from inside his chest.

I eyed Taurus, who's face was red with anger,"Not likely."

The dragon edged closer to Aries and I, we were close to the edge of the prison,”I think you will, I just have to remove a few strings and you all come crashing down.” I pulled Aries closer, realizing his idea. I felt Aries ball up my clothes in her hands, reading his thoughts.

“You lay a hand on her, and I will tear you limb from limb.”, I growled, no longer caring about restraint.

“I see you still have the reflex to protect her, Leo. It was always your flaw.”, The dragon said. It was always my flaw, did they know me?

I took a risk,”Who are you?”

The dragon turned,”You don’t know who I am? I am Aragorn, the Lightning Dragon.”

“I know that! But who are you, human-wise?”, I pried, wary of my words again.

“Human-wise?”, Aragorn was puzzled for a second.

“I’m quite close with Grandine, the Sky Dragon.”A flash of pain rolled across Aragorn’s face, the disappeared,”She saved my life. I actually did a job with her when she was in her human form.”

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