EXTRA!: Sabertooth Gets Hunted

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Read fast. Or else your doomed. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!


“What a pathetic mage, defeated so easily.”, MInerva smirked, and her teammates laughed. They had just returned from the match of the day, and it had ended up with Fairy Tail A and Sabertooth with a head-to-head showdown. Minerva had quickly defeated the celestial mage, but had kept going, beating the girl horrendously.

“I know, what a poor excuse for a mage.” Rufus added, then a smell hit Sting’s nose, one that seemed very familiar to him.

“Oooohhh”, The Sabertooth mage froze and looked around.

“Did you hear that?”, Sting whispered, and Rogue looked confused.

“Hear what?”


“Tell me you heard that too.”, Sting breathed, and Minerva nodded.

“Are we all we are

Are we all we are.”, Two girls appeared out of the mist, and the five recognized them from where Fairy Tail was sitting. One had red hair and brown eyes, while the other had purple hair and grey eyes.

“Cut to now holy wow

When did everything become such a hell of a mess?”, A boy similar in looks to Hibiki appeared, and his expression was deadly.

“Maybe now maybe now

Can somebody come and take this off my chest?”, A white haired boy appeared in front of them, and Frosh looked up at Sting.

“Why are you shaking,?”, He asked innocently, and his fellow dragon’s eyes widened.

“This is... impossible...”

“I know you think it’s not your problem

I know you think that God will solve them.”, Another girl, this one had long white hair and piercing blue eyes, chanted.

“But if your shit is not together it’ll never be

You and me

Plant the seed

Open up and let it be.”, A boy with piercings hissed. 

“We are the people that you’ll never get the best of

Not forget the rest of (rest of).”, The honey-blonde howled, and the words were making Sting and Rogue quake.

“Oooohhh”, The girls chanted.

“We’ve had our fill

We’ve had enough

We’ve had it up to here.”, The white-haired boy yelled.

“Are we all we are

Are we all we are.”, The girls echoed.

“We are the people that you’ll never get the best of

Not forget the rest of (rest of)”, The third boy appeared from behind them, and Minerva made to attack.

“Oooohhh”, The girls echoed again.

“Just sing it loud until the kids will sing it right back”, The three boys sang together, and Rogue’s knees collapsed.

“Rogue! What’s with you!?”, Minerva spat, Rogue turned around to face her, and she gasped.

His face was pale, his eyes wide, and his black hair plastered to his face with sweat,”We’re doomed.”

“Are we all we are

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