EXTRA!: Jerza

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In the tent


"Why are you so clingy?", Erza asked, and Jellal looked away. "Jellal..."

"I spent long enough in that dirty cell to know what I want from life, Erza.", He whispered, and the beauty tilted her head, confused. "I was a broken man and you fixed me, Erza. Thankyou.", He looked up, and the honesty in his eyes hit her like a punch in the face.

"Jellal.", She began to cry, and Jellal wiped away the tiny drops of water.

"Erza, I love you."

“Please, don’t...”

“I love you with all my heart, mind and soul. You complete me.”, He slipped his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a tiny box.

“Jellal!?”, Erza’s heart stopped, both from shock and excitement, as Jellal opened the box, to reveal a delicate ring.

He got down on one knee, and lifted the box so she could just make out the tiny garnet in the centre,”Erza Scarlet, will you marry me?”

“Jellal, we’re too young!”

“No, we’re not, please, Erza, marry me.”

“You barely know me!”

“Your name is Erza Scarlet, you’re 19, 180 cm tall and one of the most beautiful women on this planet. You have a liking for strawberry cake, and dislike the pointless arguments in the guild. You wear your armor to protect your heart, and, when we last saw each other, you took it off as a sign of your heart healing again."

"Jellal... It's been so long, are you sure?"

"No matter how long it's been, I still think of you and it's harder to keep breathing.", Erza began to cry, and he wiped away every tear. "I love you, Erza."

"I'm not right for you."

"Erza, the only other girl I will kneel down for is our daughter when I tie her shoelaces."

"Jellal, please, stop!", Erza yelled, and Jellal froze. "No, I won't marry you."

Jellal's heart shattered, and he closed his eyes slowly,"Why?"

"Not yet.", Erza slowly pulled the ring off the pillow it rested on and smiled. "Requip.", She began to glow, and a thin chain formed around her neck. She undid the chain and slid the ring onto the chain, before putting the necklace back on.


"I was going to say yes anyway, silly.", She grinned, and Jellal wasted no time in kissing her.


A week before Grand Magic Games

Jellal shook with fright as he walked over to the Titania, who was sitting with her team. "Jellal, what is it?", Lucy asked, and the stunning red-head turned around to face him.

"Jellal? Are you alright?", She asked, and Jellal got down on one knee, quickly taking her hand.

"Erza Scarlet, will you marry me?", Everyone heard the fangirly squeal of eight happy dragons, and Erza froze.


"I think I've waited long enough, Erza.", He smiled softly, and Erza nodded slowly.

"Wait, where's the ring?", Someone asked, and Jellal laughed.

"You'll see.", He slowly leaned up and unclasped the suddenly-visible necklace around her neck. He took it off, and, dangling off the chain, was a gold ring with a garnet in the centre.

"OHMYGOD!", You could see the joy on the girls' faces, and they all squealed with joy as the ring slid onto Erza's finger, where it would stay forevermore.

"I love you.", Erza whispered, before leaning down and kissing him.


Short, but sweet :) So, who next guys? I was thinking some Gruvia, Freerajane, maybe some Rana or Lura... You choose! :D

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