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Hello! I'm writing this in my secret location away from Natsu *looks behind*


Natsu's P.O.V.

Looking at the burnt earth of our old camsite, it made me realise, that fire would have killed me. I tried to eat it, but it wouldn't work, I couldn't eat those flames. "Natsu?", Lucy put her hand on my shoulder, worried.

"I couldn't eat the flames. I would've died.", I whispered.

"Natsu, nobody could eat those flames, not even me.", Sora walked up next to me."They aren't normal flames, they're magic flames, dangerous to whoever doesn't control them."

"Control?", Eve whispered, putting his hand over his mouth in shock.

"Yeah, this fire could be classed as a living thing, if you tried.", Sora muttered, shaking his head. "You need skill, though, and the ability to create fire." Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Saphira cower, why was she scared? Maybe this brought back the memory of her almost being burned alive, courtesy of me.

"Sora, can Hibiki control fire?", Juvia asked, actually asking a good question. Sora was thinking of teaching me how to use lightning, so maybe HIbiki could use fire.

"No. He can't, well, not that I'm aware of. I can use lightning, but he can't use fire.", Sora answered, looking up. I looked up too, and gaped at the huge shape heading towards us.


Leo's P.O.V.

I watched in horror as the ship loomed closer the my friends and their companions. A horrible feeling filled my stomach as I imagined what was going to happen to them.

"It's time, Aries.", Hibiki rumbled, back in his dragon form.

"No. You're not taking her.", I pulled Aries closer, not wanting any harm to come to her. "I'll go in her place."

"What? Leo no, please, don't", Aries protested, looking up.

"I'm going in your place. Stay strong, Aries, for the kids.", I kissed her forehead and slid her off my lap. When her fingers wrapped around my shirt, I slowly unwound them, and when tears flowed freely down her face, I wiped them away.

"Leo, please, don't, I'm not worth saving.", She whispered, making a last attempt to keep me alive.

"Aries, don't say that. You are worth every heartbeat. Virgo, please.", Virgo nodded as she held Aries back.

"No, Virgo, please, get go! LET GO! PLEASE! LEO! DON'T LEAVE ME!", Aries protested as I walked away, shackled wrists in front. It hurt to leave her like this, but I had to if she was to survive.

"Bye, Aries.", I whispered before stepping out of the cage. The black magic immediately wound back, leaving no trace of an entrance.

"A noble, yet stupid thing to do, Leo. It will be in vain.", Hibiki chuckled, eyeing me. I stood strong under his prying gaze, using all of my strength not toshow my emotions. "Now.", Hibiki changed ino his human form,"Fight me." I was thrown back into the wall as I was hit with magic. I felt a rib snap, and the magic of a celestial spirit mending it.

"No.", I whispered, wincing as the rib mended.

"You idiot, Leo.", That's the last thing I heard before everything went black. I couldn't see, Hibiki's magic blinding me.

"No! Please, HIbiki, leave him alone!", I heard Aries protest, and felt a hand pull up the chain. My arms were being ripped out of their sockets as I was lifted into the air, but that didn't distract me from the sharp blade tracing the circumference of my neck.

"Fight me, Leo, or Aries will suffer the same fate as you.", Hibiki threatened, I tensed.

"Don't touch her.", I growled, trying to rip out of his grasp, but instead of landing on the ground, I felt scales. It wasn't a knife at my throat, it was a claw, one that could slice through bone quicker than you could blink.

"Hibiki, please, you don't have to do this.", Aries sobbed from below.

"Yes, I do Aries. It's the only way to prove I'm strong.", Hibiki growled before slicing my leg with his claw.


Lucy's P.O.V.

"SORA!", I yelled when the Fire Dragon bent over, gasping. I ran to his side, and gasped when he began coughing up blood. "Sora! Can you hear me? KIYOKI! HELP!"

Kiyoki ran to his side,"What's wr- Oh My God! He didn't! But, how, Aries is supposed to. Lucy, I can't do anything. my magic won't work on his wounds."


"Lucy, the wounds he's suffering from are't his own. He's feeling Leo's pain. HIbiki, he's hurting him.", Kiyoki whispered, her voice almost nothing compare to my outburst."We have to hurry, if Leo's injured enough, it could kill Sora."

"Let's go! We need to get up there now!", Saphira wrapped her tail around me, waiting for my words.

"Let's do this shit.", My eyes narrowed as we leapt into the air."FOR FAIRY TAIL! FOR THE SPIRITS!", I yelled.

"AYE, SIR!" I turned and saw Happy carry Natsu, Carla carry Wendy and the dragons sprout their wings and carry whever was left. My heart fluttered as Sora gave a weak smile, sprawled on top of Ren.






Yeah, look who's going to diiiiiiiiiiie! 

Hibiki: It's me, isn't it?

Me: Yup, because you pissed Lucy off

Lucy: *reads* HIBIKI LATES!

HibikI: *runs for his life*

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