Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm going to clear a couple of things up, this story will take place in present day so there will be iPhone's and stuff like that. Another thing is I was looking up the Mustangs team and it only says a couple of the teammates names. I will be adding a couple of names of my own so it won't be the same people talking for the Mustangs. Obviously it will be main characters like Dean, Derek, and Hewitt and sometimes Jessie.

Abby's P.O.V
The sun peaked through my blinds this morning. I picked up my phone and saw that it was 9:07. I was the first one up this morning in the "hockey house" so I decided that I would be nice this morning and make everyone breakfast.

I got up, brushed my teeth and washed my face and then threw my hair up into a messy bun. I was wearing a pair of black sweatpants that say my number (13) on my leg and Hood on my butt (I got them in Canada for a hockey tournament); and a white Flyers tank top.

The house was quiet except for the sound of the TV's in the rooms. I quietly went up the stairs to start breakfast. I opened up some blinds to let light in. I walked over to the fridge and got eggs and bacon out. We have a personal trainer for the team and he said that we needed to "balance our food choices", he doesn't like the word diet. Protein for breakfast, carbs for lunch, protein for dinner. It get's a little annoying but we got use to it after a while.

Once the eggs and bacon were done, I made toast and a cup of coffee for Brent. I walked down stairs, through the hallway and started knocking on the 3 rooms that held my hockey team. "Breakfast is ready!" I went back upstairs and knocked on Brent's door and said the same thing to him.

Within a minute, all of the boys were running up the steps, pushing each other to try and get the food. None of them bothered to get dressed. They were pretty much wearing basketball shorts or sweatpants and that was it.

I'm not gonna lie, some of the guys are really hot and they all have nice bodies but I'm too close with them to every be something more. It would be weird. Think of it as dating your brother.. Ew.

We all sat down at the tables and started eating. "This is really good abs." Cameron said with his mouth full. "Yeah." The rest of the guys agreed. "Thanks." I responded while picking up a piece of toast. "What time are the Mustangs getting here Brent?" Luke asked. "Uhh, about 11:00." Brent replied. I looked at the clock on the oven and it read 9:43.

"I want the house cleaned before they get here. I'm going out to get more food and stuff so we don't starve." Brent said while putting his plate in the sink. "Okay." I replied while grabbing all of the guys plates. "Oh so you're a waitress now?" Nick asked while laughing. "Yup and you're the dish washer." I said while laughing harder. Nick looked like he was going to kill me. "Start cleaning dishes Thomas." I said to Nick while wiping the table down.

"I'll clean up the rooms I guess." Zach said with a dull expression. "I'll help." Caelyn responded.
"The rest of you can straighten up the living room and the basement. Oh and someone can vacuum because none of you know how to eat over the freaking table." Brent said to them before walking out the door.

~Time Skip~

By the time everything was finished it was 10:35 and Brent was already back from the grocery store. Everything was put away and it was time for everyone to get dressed for the day.

I went to my room. Thank god I was the only girl because I don't have to share a room. Even though its good sometimes, I usually end up falling asleep in one of the boys' bedrooms because we all hang out until we get tired.

I put on a pair of dark wash high waisted shorts, a tight black crop top, and a pair of high top converse. My hair was not cooperating with me today so I just brushed it out and put it back up into the messy bun. I did my make-up because, news flash, I love make-up. It was only a natural look today though. (outfit at top)

I walked out of my room and went back upstairs to hang with the guys until the Mustangs got here. They are going to be here any second now.

A couple minutes later, a bus pulls up out front of the house. I have butterflies. I am so nervous to see how this is going to play out with all of us in one house. I'm even more nervous because I may or may not have a huge crush on Dean Youngblood. But my chances are ruined with him because he has a girlfriend. Chadwich's daughter.

The team and I are upstairs messing around when we hear footsteps coming up the steps. We all turned and we see Brent, Chadwich, and the Mustangs walking up the steps. At the very end of the line I see Jessie but she's not walking with Dean. Chadwich probably doesn't know.

I stood up and my team followed me. "This is my team captain Abby Hood and assistant captain Zach Chairman." Brent introduced us to the Mustangs. "Hi." I said to the other team. "I'm Derek Sutton, team captain and this is assistant captain Duane Hewitt." Derek said to us. "Call me Huey." Duane added.

Everybody got comfortable and sat down. "Brent and I will be down stairs discussing some things for the summer. You guys get to know each other a little better." Chadwich said to us.

I was sitting in between Caelyn and Luke. Everyone was on their phones. We didn't know how to talk to each other. It was kind of like we hated each other. I looked up and noticed Dean staring at Jessie with a hurt face. Jessie was smiling down at her phone and would laugh occasionally.

Dean looked so upset. It kind of made me mad. The silence was killing me also so I took matters into my own hands since none of the guys wanted to talk.

I stood up, put my phone in my back pocket and walked down stairs to where Murray and Brent were. "It's very quiet upstairs." Brent whispered to me. "I know. I have an idea. Just give me 10 minutes." Both coaches nodded and I walked to the back yard.

I went into the shed and got all of the water balloons out. I started filling them up and once they were all done. I texted Zach and told
him to bring everybody down. Brent and Murray were apart of the plan so they made sure they took everybody's phones before they came outside.

I put my phone near the sink outside and put one bucket on each side of the yard. Once everybody walked out and the door was closed, I threw a water balloon and it landed right in front of Dean's feat. All of the guys looked at each other and smirked. I picked up the hose and once they all turned back around I sprayed them all.

We split up into 2 teams. I was happy that we didn't do Mustangs VS. Flyers; everybody was split up. Dean was on my team. I was REALLY happy about that

Water balloons were flying around the yard. Everybody was soaked. Lucky for me, like really lucky for me, all of the guys took their shirts off. I was in boy heaven. The last few water balloons were thrown at the opposite sides and by the time we were done, everybody was laughing and talking and having a good time. Dean and I were talking a lot. He kept trying to make me laugh, which he did. A lot.

We started off a little stiff but it looks like everybody is going to get along just fine.

Promised it would be a long chapter ahah. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I might be updating again today or tomorrow. Thank you for reading!! If you guys want request what you want to happen in the comments or you can DM me. Follow my Instagram @ robloweobsession I'm going to start posting edits of Rob and others on there!!

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