Chapter 5

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Switching up perspectives in this chapter!!!!  And the outfit is Abby's date outfit. Plus Dean's outfit, personally I think he looks good in it but I couldn't find any of him standing so there you go. A picture of Dean laying on the bed with a piece of chicken in his hand. You're welcome.

Dean's P.O.V

I got up early this morning to finish planning my date with Abby. I was taking her to the beach and if we left at 5 we would get there around 6:30 which would give us plenty of time to mess around. The sunset was around 8:15 ish so when it's happening I want to ask her to officially be my girlfriend.

I walked upstairs to talk with Brent and Murray and tell them that we would be gone for the night and we'd be back pretty late. They were fine with it considering today was our "cheat" day.

A couple of minutes later more of the guys started coming up the steps. Abby was walking up and talking to Luke. She looked so cute. Her hair was a bit messy, her big sweatshirt falling down to her knees, and her little yawn.

I've never felt this way about anybody. Not even Jessie. Abby and I have more in common. A lot more. She's just so different from all of the other girls. She's so original and it's just all so surreal that I am taking the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on out on a date.

She smiled at me and started walking over. I smiled back and pushed my chair out a bit so I could give her a hug. She hugged back tightly while playing with my hair. Abby bent down a bit and I thought she was gonna kiss me because her lips were centimeters from mine but instead she said, "I'm hungry." And walked away from me laughing.

I mouthed back, "Tease" and she started laughing harder. Her laugh is amazing. She has one of those laughs that once you hear you start laughing. It's contagious! I just can't get enough of her.

"I'm making eggs." She called out for everyone to hear. The guys said okay and went back to being on their phones or watching T.V. About an hour later breakfast was done and she brought the plate over to the table with a whole stack of plates for everybody else.

The seat next to me was open so she went and sat in it and pushed it closer to my chair. She giggled a bit and then started eating. Murray and Brent were the first ones done. "We are going out today to meet with the personal trainer that we are getting for both teams this summer. We will be back later. Abby and Dean are leaving at 5:00 so please don't burn the house down while she is not here." Brent said in one breath.

"Breath Brent." Zach said and Abby started laughing again. The rest of us laughed too. "We'll be back." Murray said as they walked down the steps. Abby was having conversations with the rest of the guys when I saw someone staring out of the corner of my eye. Jessie.

I looked at her and she was glaring at me and Abby. She noticed me staring and she smirked at me. Someone nudged me under the table and I turned around and saw Abby. She whispered, "Why is she staring? We didn't do anything." "She's jealous that her boyfriend is paying more attention to his phone than to her." I whispered back. She giggled and stood up. "Are you done?" She asked to Jessie and motioned to her plate. "Yes." Jessie replied.

The guys were all watching. It was like one of those reality T.V. shows. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. "I can take your plate for you." Abby smiled sweetly. "Oh thanks." Jessie replied awkwardly. Abby took the plate and responded, "No problem." And took both of their plates to the sink and rinsed them off so they would clean all the way in the dishwasher.

Everybody went back to what they were doing before. Zach was on the other side of me and said, "What was that about?" "Jessie was staring. Abby got annoyed." I replied quickly. Zach laughed. "What?" I asked. "Abby is trying to be really nice so Jessie won't know how to break her. She does this all the time to any of our girlfriends. The ex's hated her and couldn't stand the thought of Abby being with us while we played hockey. The one's that are still around, they got use to her real quick and now they're friends." Zach explained. "Oh. I got it now. She's trying to kill her with kindness." I replied. "Exactly." Zach responded.

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