Chapter 3

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Harleen POV

Once I arrived home I kicked of my shoes and relaxed.
Today was stressful. Although my session with The Joker went well my nerves still got the best of me.

I head to my kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. I deserve it. My boyfriend wasn't going to be home for another hour. He works at black gate prison. As a guard. He works very hard and is respected for what he does.

I go to my living room and decide to watch a movie. I look through my huge collection and go for a horror. The shining of corse. One of my favourite.
I stick the movie on and start to really get into it. My mind drifts away as I get sucked in. Still sipping at my wine. I only have one glass because Kyle will be mad if he comes home and I'm drunk. I put the glass in the kitchen and turn of the movie. I didn't finish it but Kyle will be home soon and he does like horror movies.
I will make him dinner he has probably had a hard day and wants something nice to eat.
I start to cook up some spaghetti and meatballs and try my hardest for it to taste good. I didn't want him in a bad mood.
I hear the front door open and close and I walk out to greet Kyle.
" hello honey , how was your day" I say giving him a hug and kiss as he walks in.
" fine I guess. Shit went down in the cafeteria and we had to send all the prisoners back to there cells early. They didn't like that"
He spoke walking past me.

" I'm sorry to hear that but the good news is I made you dinner"

"Good I'm staving"
We go in the kitchen and sit down at our table.
Me and Kyle start eating.
"Wtf is this shit Harleen. I swear every time you cook it gets even more shit" he spat chucking his food in the bin.
I will admit that was a little hurtful but I never was that good at cooking.
"I'm sorry I tried I will do better next time"
"Don't bother Harleen, you can't cook"
"Ok. Well I can order a pizza if you want"
"Don't bother. I'm not hungry now anyways".
I felt bad. I should of tried harder. It's my fault. I should of just order a pizza in the first place. I knew he would prefer that. Stupid Harleen.
"Well I clean up. You go to bed you have had a stressful day" I said. I don't want him to be mad. So I will make it up to him.
I clean up and Kyle just watches the game. After I'm done I went to bed I had a long day and didn't want to make it any longer.

Soon after Kyle join me and we went to sleep.
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* there goes that alarm again. So I didn't break it. I got up and went to the bathroom as alway had a shower did my hair and makeup. I pick out my outfit which is a black pencil skirt and a green silk shirt.
I say goodbye to Kyle and start to drive to Arkham.
Once I arrive, I go straight to my office and prepare for my session with The Joker.

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