Chapter 5

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Harleen POV

It's been about 3-4 weeks of session with Mr J and they have been great I got lots of information out of him and he got a bit out of me in return. Not only are we making progress we also have became much closer. I now saw him a someone I could easily talk with and I hope he feels the same way.
He is a good listener and I love to let him my little secrets that no one knows and he takes it all in like he is creating a folder of me in his head but that's not what is supposed to happen in sessions. I feel bad because I'm his doctor not the other way round. Unfortunately.
I am his doctor and should be helping him but...'s hard. I guess im just gaining trust but when I get distracted by his smile and his insane mind that tells stories of absolute madness.
And then there were his eyes. Those crystal blue eyes that hook me in any opportunity he has. A gal sure could get lost for ever in his eyes. But there was one problem he is a psychotic serial killer.
But I dont think I could live without our sessions. He gives me a reason to get up in the morning. A sense of purpose which I know I have a boyfriend but Kyle is.... well difficult and not that Mr J isn't but he is a different type of difficulty. He is exciting and dangerous and so much more than what's on the surface were Kyle you can read him like a book. privilege family, daddy issues, popular, abusive.
But that doesn't mean I don't love him. Of corse i do. I have to.
'Mr J would kill him if he found out what he does to you'

I know
'A part of you wants him to find out'
'You know I'm right'

Shut up. You know nothing

The voices in my head start to come back recently but I never really minded them.Well that's not always true. I had them as a child even talked to them well I some form but when.. when dads 'accident' happens I set my mind on being a good person. On helping people so I pushed them to the very back of my head. Were they were not to be found. And thats where they have stayed until my session with Mr J.

After I had a session with the joker I backed up my thing a headed for my car. I drove home to find the front door open. I know it wasn't Kyle because he doesn't get back for another 2 hours so I put my key between my knuckles as a weapon and slow approach the door. Getting thought I spot a small box On the side with a note. I the note read
"My dear Harley
I quickly searched the apartment to find no one was here and returned to the small box. How did he get it in my apartment ?
What's inside? What if kyle saw it?
Oh god.
I decided not to open in yet as ot cpuld be a small bomb or joker gas although i doubt it.
At this point my head is spinning I'm confusing and i just hid it in a place where Kyle wouldn't find it.
I started to make dinner for Kyle and watched some TV.
I tried my hardest not to burn it but it still happened away as it was hard to consecrate on what could be in that box.
When i was finished i went into the bedroom and got out the small box. I looked at it for a while until i thought fuck it and I opened the box. Inside was a small ring that had HQ on it in gold. It had small crystals and diamonds elegantly placed on it. It was beautiful and really unexpected.
But the question is why would he give this to me? What have i done to deserve this? Ill surely question it tomorrow but for now i must hide it from kyle. He would be really mad if he saw it.
I put in in my bedside table under a magazine and the went over to the kitchen.
I put out the dinner on the table known Kyle would be home very shortly and continue to watch some tv. A minute later kyle burst through the door and chucks his jacket on the sofa. I stand up to greet him
"how was your day" i chirped hoping to get on his good side
"Meh" he reply grumbling
"Um dinners on the table. Its not burnt this time"
"It better not be" he said storming to the table.
We sat down and ate dinner there wants much conversation at all and the food was alright thank god.
I cleared up after him and he went to grab a beer and watch tv. I didn't mind this as he wasn't always bad when he became tipsy he just tended to ignore me which so sometime nice.

I went back into the bedroom and took out the box from the bedside table. I just had to look at the ring once more. I didn't want the beauty of it to fade from my memory.
Some time had passed by without my realising because i could tell he was a lot drunker than one beer you could tell just by the way he breathed.
I was sitting on my bed just looking at the ring when suddenly kyle burst in.

I tried to make this one longer but i just realised that its 1000 words long and that might be a little in bearable so i shall continue this in the next chapter
Soz lol XD
I hate myself i swear to god 😂

Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd Xd

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