Chapter 24

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Harleys POV

Mr J pulled me to the door of the basement and slowly opened it. My eyes were amazed to see Robin, batman's trusty sidekick, tied up unconscious in a metal chair.
"Were ja get him from" i laugh

"Found him wondering. Trying to find our home" he replies
"Well well. Look where that got him" i say.

"So whatcha gonna do with him"

" well teach him a lesson of corse! He needs to learn the value of privacy and that snooping isn't polite"

"I couldn't agree more puddin"

Robin starts to gain consciousness while Mr J was setting up the IV for putting a chemical in robins blood stream to basically making him incapable of lying so when Mr J and I ask him a few questions he tells us everything.
He's so clever. 
Mr J grabs his favourite knife form the metal table and takes it to robin. Fully conscious he starts to move around screaming for help.
We laugh greatly.
"Scream as much as you want. No one can hear" he laughs.
Robin quieten down.
"What do you want with me"
The guttering boy pronounces.
"To keep it simple kid. You"
Mr J smiles.
He starts to stir realising that he wont get out of his situation alive.
This makes Mr J and I laugh harder.
"We'll cut ya up into lil pieces" i taunt.
Once we had noticed that the IV was now empty and the chemicals were taking place we both knew it was time to ask some questions.

"So bird boi, tell us were is bats secret hide out" Mr J says

He starts to stutter but keeps his mouth shut.
Mr J brings the knife to his throat and lightly presses down cause a small amount of blood to trickle down his throat.
His eyes widen with fear as a small scream leaves his mouth. He gives up as Mr J presses harder with the knife.
"Fine fine its under the mansion. The bat cave"
He squeaks.
"And wear might this mansion be" Mr J says his voice getting darker
"Its on the outskirts of the city"
"And finally.
Who. Is. The. Batman." Mr J says his voice now insanely deep and scary. It turns me on so much.
The kid really tried to keep it in stuttering so much but couldn't hold it.
"B-b-b-bruce w- Wayne"
Mr J face turned into a evil grin which caused me to do the same. He laughed darkly, throwing his head back.
"Mr Wayne. Predicable. I see it now" he laughed.

Rip robin
He knows now
Im really sorry i haven't posted in like 2 weeks rip
Xd soz fam

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