Feeling Like A Monster

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I sighed, seeing my human play around at his young age. Yes, Will Solace. Only age seven, but still cute. You may be wondering, but Nico! You're five, how can you say that!? But, Angels are made mature, their humans... Well, they are mindless babies until they are about nine or ten, where then they start to be more into videos games or skate boarding, then they're teens with awful attitude and only want to be on their phones, then there comes twenty-one when they start to drink anywhere and everywhere instead of faking their age like a couple years before, after there is the parent years that comes with jobs and help for the baby, and you get the idea.

I rolled around on the cloud I had managed to sustain to watch over my little human, bored. He was playing outside for a long time and he didn't get hurt or anything. I was actually proud to call him my human, he was kind and caring, he would always try to help his father when he said, I'm need to take my shift at the hospital. I'll be home again later. And Will would always run up to him a me hug him before saying, daddy, please don't go. Or, I could help you with your work? I know it is hard. Mommy told me that. He was a nice child, always putting others before himself. He was selfless, he didn't care if he got hurt, he only cared when another person did. That was the best, and rare, kind of human.

My human, Will, laughed and played with his friends, making me smile a bit. Will was, all in all, amazing. Even if he didn't Know I was alive, I will always be there for him. Forever. Until the day we die, and even in the afterlife I will be there for him. His mother, Naomi, and father, Apollo, were nice too. They always taught him to be a good child, they never hurt him or yelled at me, they never. If Will made a mess they'd say it was okay and they're only glad that he wasn't hurt, if Will disobeyed them (which barely ever happened) they'd scold him but that's all. No anger, no sadness, his life was perfect. I wanted to keep it perfect.

"Hey, Will! It's time to come inside, dear!" Naomi called and Will said his goodbyes and ran over to his mother, engulfing her with a hug. She laughed, "oh, did you have fun, my little one?" Will grinned at her and nodded, hugging her more. Naomi picked him up, while the hug was still going on and walked inside. Their family is almost as peaceful as mine. My family... I quickly ignored my feelings about seeing them again and started to fly off to get in the house, to watch over Will as he slept, leaving the cloud to dissolve. Yes, watching over him as he slept sounded a bit creepy but it was for protection because anything could happen while he was asleep. Someone could come in and kill someone, for example, or the house can set aflame. That was only two of the many, many possibilities.

Let's not think of the bad things, Will may have nightmares about them. I had finally got to his room and swooped in, thinking he was asleep. I should've known. Will looked up at me, rubbing his eyes as I panicked and turned invisible. He looked around, looking for me then called for his parents. "Mommy! Daddy! I think a monster is in my room!" He called, tears filling his eyes. Oh no, I made him cry.

Naomi and Apollo came running in and I hide in the closet. Ugh, I felt like a monster, hiding in a closet. Well, I wasn't hiding, but I was watching. Oh god, am I a stalker? Is that what Angels are? Okay, never mind. They obviously aren't. Anyway, Will's parents came and asked him what was wrong. I didn't say a word as Will said, "a-a Monster! It had white wings and black hair and clothes with eyeballs like marbles!" Wait, my eyeballs were like marbles? What?

Naomi just laughed at her sons description of me. "White wings? That sounds like an angel but it's fine. I'm sure they're just here to watch over you. Remember, your Angel is watching over you. Nothing to worry about. Maybe, they'll give you dreams about pirates and you're Peter Pan as you make sure Hook doesn't get away with your friend!" Apollo grinned at that and picked Will up, making him hover over them by his hands gripping Will's waist. Will gave a great, big smile and said, "wheeeeeee!!!" As he flew around from his father.

I laughed quietly at them and how silly they sounded. Peter Pan was only an angel that look over Wendy. That's all, he was supposed to protect her. Nothing else came between them after that part in their book. Oh god, I sound like they're actually just a story. I shook my head and slowly opened the door of the closet after what seemed like forever. There in front of me stood my human.

Will stared at me, with a slight confusion on his face. My eyes widened, knowing I was visible. "H-hey!" I whisper yelled. "Look, Will. No telling mommy and daddy about me, okay? Shh, shh, I'm just a part of your imagination," I tried to compel.

Will shook his head and grabbed my hand pulling my along over to his bed. I tried to make him let go of me, but I was way smaller and I hadn't mastered everything of being an angel. Will got up on his bed and motioned for me to sit. I stared at him in shock then shook my head. "No, Will. I~"

Will grabbed my hand again, pulling me up there. He held my hand for a while, staring into my eyes before letting go and hugging his blankets. He hid his face in them and asked, "are you really my angel?" I didn't know what to say. I'd never talked to a human before, especially any human like Will.

What do I say? Should I just disappear and let him think I'm only a part of his imagination. Wait, I might've had enough power to do something. I put my hand out and touched Will's forehead. He didn't know what to do other than close his eyes, I'm guessing he thought about the dream he wanted. Then, boom!

Will's grip on the blanket loosened and he was asleep, no remembering he made contact with me, his guardian angel. He laid him down, making sure he was all snug I his bed before he strangely made grabby hands and then somehow gave me a hug with a smile on his face. He was doing this subconsciously, me. Remember that, I thought.

I gave him a smile before slowly coming out of his embrace and lifting my wings, getting ready to fly. I came into the air, looking at Will. Setting down on a random pillow in the trunk of toys, I watched Will. I made sure I was invisible before anything and then relaxed, watching him in his sleep.

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