Playing Their Ghost

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I don't get it. He didn't want me to leave and now he doesn't care whether I stay or go. Was he really saying it? Was that even Will in there? That was highly not like him. To just be like, "I don't care" is not Will. And, that's what Will was doing. Did he really not care? What happened to the "I'm sorry, Nico. I didn't mean to offend you and your kind. Though, I think I only offended you.....but still." He had said that right before I left,. Which was stupid.

Where was the Will I know? Where was that sweet little boy who loved his parents. His parents are dead. Said a voice in my head. Well, actually yeah. They are dead, but what do they have to do with it? You killed them. What? No. No. I didn't kill them.......did I? You killed his father. Well, yes, I did. But I was protecting him! Just attacking his father would be a crime committed for no good reason. Plus, what else was I supposed to do? Send him to Heaven? Everyangel knows it doesn't exist. So that's impossible. (Hey, an angel not believing. Shame on him. Shame on his family! Shame on his cow!!!)

I sighed, as he went away to his room probably. No need to follow him. In a hour time he'll get a new angel. A better one. One that fits his list or whatever. I flapped my wings, stretching them for the journey. I got up and walked to the door, opening it and getting out. I started to fly, going to the angel house. It takes about forty minutes to get their, so I have some time before it.


The new human. I traded humans with another angel, Percy. I flew to the humans address and flew down to the house and looked at it, up and down. It was a normal house, not that different from Wills'. Will....why am I still thinking about him? I can't get him out of my mind. Argh, it's hard not having Will as my human.

I sighed as I flew into my humans room. I started to shuffle through the information of my new human. His name was Kai. He had medium shade of brown hair and his eyes were a chocolate brown as his skin was a light brown. It said that he was nice and kind, selfless and fair. Huh, sounds a lot like Will.

Will... Will was probably happy with the new angel. He probably likes him better than me. Bet Percy has already shown himself to him, ha. Will was nice, sweet, kind, selfless, and (to be honest) he was a little on the hot side, but that for If was a girl! If I was a girl... yeah, a girl....... Anyway, Will's blond hair and blue made him look peaceful, just like his parents. He may have got his looks from his father, but he got his personality from his mother. A perfect combination.

I heard the human starting to run into his room and I turned invisible, flying up so they wouldn't bump into me. He had a football and tossed it to someone, that was not in the room yet. The one that caught it was a boy, he had dirty blond hair and a colored that seemed to change from three different colored, green (in the middle), blue (on the outside of the green), and yellow (on the inside of the green). The color of his eyes changed at points and sometimes it just stayed the same. They laughed as the boy tossed it back to Kai.

Kai threw up in the air, it almost hit me so I swerved, and then he caught it. "Hey, you ready?" He asked his friend. The boy nodded. "Yeah, Kai. Let's do it," he responded and Kai grinned, putting the ball down and getting something from under his bed. He pulled out a thing that said, "OJUIA". Oh god, that game? He set it down on his bed and they sat down. Kai opened it and set it up.

I sighed and thought, I might as well be their ghost to play with. As I sat beside Kai and they started. Kai and the boy put two fingers on the thing and circled it three times. "Are there any spirits who want to contact us?" The boy and Kai asked in unison. I rolled my eyes and put two of my fingers on there, slowly moving it to yes.

Kai looked up at the boy, kinda creepily. The boy had gone a bit pale, looking at Kai. "Jack," Kai said. "Let's ask it a question." The boy, Jack, nodded hesitantly."What's your name?" Kai asked the spirit. Omg, this is actually fun. I thought of a random name and started to spell it out on the board. They spelled it.

"M-I-C-H-E-L," they said. I mentally laughed and then put: "J-A-C-K~" I wasn't able to finish because Jack took his fingers off. I cursed, now I had to act up. Kai jerked up as I sent a cold feeling on his neck. "D-Dude, put your finger back on," he said.

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