My Name Is I Don't

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I woke up to be laying in a bed with my wounds tended. I picked up my head and setup, scratching me head and wondering where I was. I looked around, it was Will's room. Wait, Will's room? When did I..? How am I in..? What? I jumped out of... Well, I started to fly out of the bed. I didn't see Will in there so I flew downstairs and looked all around the house. He was hurt, I passed out, I didn't help him.

I had flown all over the house before coming out side. I saw Will on the ground, like he was unconscious ordeal even. "Will Solace, I swear!" I shrieked and flew over to him, and stepping on his face. He moved my foot, meaning he was alive~ oh, and he didn't like too. I circled him in the air as he sat up, looking at me. I didn't even bother trying to not be seen by him. He was the only one who could see me right now, though. I made sure of that at least.

He stared at me as I scowled at him and continued to circle him like a vulture and it's food. "What have you done!?" I asked in a angered tone. He backed away from me and looked down, he got up and reached out to me. I stared at him, not wanting to. What was he trying to do?

He continued to reach for me, nots aging a word and I rolled my eyes as I started down. Once I was half way down there, Will pulled me into his arms, making sure he didn't touch my arm. I appreciated that. He held me close, still not saying anything and I looked up at him.

Will was looking at my arm. He must've been worried about it. But then, why was he basically hugging me? It felt weird. I hadn't been hugged in so long. He looked at my face. "I'm glad you're awake, my little angel," he said, keeping his voice low. "What's your name?"

I stared at him. Then, I looked down ashamed. I pulled from his grip and he let me. He waited for an answer as I flew around, trying to think of a random name. "My name is..." I started. I sighed and shook my head, sitting down at the top of the tree Will was shading in. "I don't," I mumbled.

He looked down and then started to climb up to tree. Once he got to me, he put his hand on mine and I pulled my hand away, glaring at him. Will looked hurt by the rejection but asked, "hi, I don't. But, seriously. What's your name? Do you have one?"

I shook my head and flapped my wings, coming into the air. "I have a name, I just forgot it. Like, you know when you forget a friends name? It's like that. I don't know where my friend to help remind me of the name," I tried to explain, flying in a figure eight.

"So... Where did you last see the friend?" He asked and I face palmed. He isn't smarter than an angel I knows how looks over a girl around this neighborhood and he's pretty dumb. I got back in the tree and he smiled brightly at me. I waved the smile off and looked to the ground.

"I haven't been in contact with them for years now. Every since I was twelve, sorry," I shrugged and thought about that night. It was so horrible and scary. I thought I'd die, along with the rest of my family.


It was our family reunion. We had so much fun, seeing each other again and being able to spend time together. It was all out perfect. It may have been storming outside, but who cares!? Not me, of course. I got so see Bianca and mom and dad! It was so cool and awesome, nothing could go wrong!

But, that was an understatement. A million things could go wrong, we just have to be careful. That's all. Maybe, make sure the house was lighting proof and making sure the doors were locked before we all went to bed.

When it was time to go to bed for us "little" ones, Bianca and I got in bed and said good night to each other before going to sleep. My sleep was peaceful, nothing could make me feel more happier than this. I always had nightmares about Will dying, but today, nothing. No dreams at all either. I was so lucky. But that luck didn't last.

BOOM! The thunder roared through out the storm. It was louder and more fierce then any other storm I had ever been in. My was jerked awake by Bianca shaking me and saying, "wake Up! Wake up! There's someone in the house!" But, she said it at a whisper.

I rubbed my eyes, not registering what she said. "What? No, Bianca. Go back to bed," I said sleepily. I tried to push she off my bed but she started to tug at my arm, meaning to get up or she'll pull me by the arm. "Okay! Okay! Jeez, Bee. I'm coming, I'm coming," I whispered.

Bianca looked at me, her eyes filled with pure fear. "I-I think they're in the living room right now," she whispered quietly. I stared at her. Then, I hugged her. She immediately hugged back and I felt a pain of worry for her and a wave of fear wash over me. Was there really someone in the house? Wait, mom and dad are in the living room.


Thats all I remember of that night. All k remember of the other parts was there were screams and lots and lots of fear and running and death... After I my memory of the night returned to me, Death of my whole family had come before me. As I laid I front my family's corpses, my wings slowly turned black and all that weird stuff happened, my eyes changed to chocolate brown. An angel only changed its wing and eye color when it had become depressed, truly sad forever.

Will looked at me, worriedly. "Is something wrong, little one?" I snapped out of my depressed look and scowled at him, telling him everything was fine and that he should mind his own business. Well, I have never minded his, why should he mind mine? Jeez, me. Stop being so stalker-y...

Will looked down and nodded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be all up in your business. You just looked sad," he said. I sighed, agitation shown all over my face. He was so annoying. How come I didn't know that when I watched over him?

Oh, right. I've never talked to him before except that one night he called my eyeballs marbles. Out of all things, he chose to compare them to marbles. why? That gave me an idea. "What do you eyes look like?" And he respond with, "sad lil emo eyes, but if I had to be official they still look like marbles." Sad lil emo eyes? Is that really how they look? Pssh, no way.

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