Death boy

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Jack looked at him, his eyes screamed no, but he put his fingers back on hesitantly. They started to ask another question. "Are you the one we've been talking to?" Jack asked as Kai was totally terrified by the cold feeling on his neck. I then spelled out something. "I-M-N-E-W" Jack spelled out and looked up at Kai. "I'm new," Jack repeated.

Kai looked like he was about to burn the board, he looked up at Jack. I guess he's never had a paranormal encounter. Ha, he was gonna be terrified out of his mind after I'm done with him. It's my job. Just with a little fun.

Jack decided to ask another question. "So... Michel. Are there any other people, well, ghosts and such, here with you?" I rolled my eyes and moved it to yes quickly, turning it slightly as it happened. "Yes..!" Jack squeaked and looked at Kai. "I don't think this is a good idea anymore." He began to take his fingers off.

But Kai grabbed his wrist, making him keep them on. "No, Jack! This... This is different from before, this isn't a game..." He stared at the board. Jack looked at him. He forced Kai to let go and took his fingers off. "How many are there?" Kai asked, a bit shaky because it's only him now.

I moved it to five and Kai's eyes widened but that seemed to be the only thing he did to react. I started to spell out another word. "D-E-A-T-H-B-O-Y" Kai spelled out. "Death boy?" I moved it to yes. "What does that mean?" He looked around the room, confused. I spelled out another. "D-E-A-T-H," Kai spelled. "Death. Why death again?"

Jack was already at the door, his hand on the handle. "Let's go, Kai. I really, really, don't like that it's death." Kai didn't reply, he just looked at Jack. He started to reply, "Jack, we can't say goodbye until we at least ask five questions, or we might anger them. We don't want that."

Kai looked at the board then I put my finger on his forehead, using mind control, though that's super hard to do. Kai let go of the board and got up, as I took him. He then said, "we don't like being disrespected, Jack." He said it in a different voice, it was much more deeper and more demonic. This is why people don't play with Ojuia boards. They get possessed by angels basically.

Jack let out a whimper. " I-I promise we'll leave you alone, just please. Please get out of...Kai," Jack said, he gripped his hand on the door more, not moving anymore than that. "Please." I shrugged and let Kai off it and he fell as Jack raced over to him. "Kai! Kai, are you okay!?"

"Wha-What?" I asked as I felt a shake. I looked around and saw myself standing by me, so confused. "K-Kai!?" I shrieked as I tried to get up. Oh god, human body's are horrible to handle. I must of switched our minds instead of letting him off it.

"Kai, are you okay!?" Jack asked again as I stumbled, then fell again. How do people walk in these!? "I'm fine.." The actual Kai said. He looked at Jack as he walked over to me. "What did you do to my body?" He asked me, dangerously calm.

I sniffles a little laugh. "It was an accident. I promise to get this fixed when you learn how to switch us back, heh," I said. Then, Kai started to shake me which wasn't munch but still. "Can you stop?" I asked and Jack looked at me, super confused.

Kpov (Kai's PoV, for the ones who didn't get it)

One second, I'm not in control of my body. Next second, I'm in something elses' body! Jack was talking to me, but not me. I turned to him and said, " Jack, that's not me... I'm right here." Jack looked around the room, as if he couldn't see me. "Hello?" I waved my hand, extremely small hand, in his face and he didn't seem to know I did. "Jack!" I yelled in his ear.

My body, with some weird person in it, rushed over to me. How come he could see me? "Hey, Kai. He can't see you, you're invisible to humans right now," he informed me. Wait, invisible to humans? Is he like some demon or something like that?

I tried to side up to him but I couldn't from my shortness. Ugh, curse shortness. "What am I? Or, you? Well, me? Wait, what?" I just confused myself a lot. He just grinned at me and patted my head. "You'll get it later. I gotta go before the council comes and sees this mess..!" He said and started to clean and such even thou he was keep on falling and saying, "stupid meat sacks!" Which, that confused Jack way more than me.

"How do I turn uninvisible?" The strange boy in my body looked at me and shrugged. "I'm only fourteen, don't ask me. I. Am. Still. Learning,". He said and I cursed. Well, I should at least have some fun invisible, right?

I started to flap my wings, they made papers fly around the room. I decided to move the only thing that was still on the board. I spelled out a word and Jack paled but read it out. "D-E-A-T-H-B-O-Y," he spelled and I nodded. "Death boy. Kai? Hey, Kai." He patted my body's back. That sounds really weird to say.. Anyway.

The boy looked at Jack and shook his head and pointed at me. "That's Kai. I'm Death boy," he said and I oohed. He started shuffling threw my school stuff. I ran over to him and yelled, "no, Death boy! That's my school work!!" He looked at me and shrugged. "I gotta clean cause I know you won't do it and the council will be here in about an hour to fix what I did. Dam, I'm gonna be on the bad angel list..."

"Angel!?" I repeated, he stared st me then nodded. "What about us?" He asked. I started asking about a million questions and the angel or whatever answered them. Jack was staring at the angel, so, so, so, confused.

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