Sliver Bleeding

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I'd like to warn you... Yes, the last one was peaceful  and stuff. But, that was basically the introduction. Well, that's kinda obvious because they aren't their actual ages and whatever. So... Don't kill me if I "accidentally" kill off Solangelo or whatever and please, please, read the next chapter (it'll come in a two days or less) before deciding to kill me. Thank you.

Ten years later, Will is seventeen while Nico is sixteen.


Just ugh. My parents were fighting again and I was stuck in my room. Nothing has changed in my family since I was small. Except, my parents have started to fight and that all started when I was eleven. They were supposed to get a divorce a long time ago, but they have "managed" for me. They want me to not be the kid with divorced parents. Ey want a perfect life for me. But, with them staying together, it just makes it worse. And people wonder why I always don't talk about my parents.

I grabbed two pillows and put them to my ears, they were so loud. I just wish they would stop. I wish I could be pulled out of this world of misery, my parents have started to out me in as they fought. Each fight made them drift more and more apart. I'm so surprised they haven't tried to kill each other. Speaking of killing, one of my friends just died about a week ago. A heart attack somehow. I was... Right there beside him as it happened. That was horrific.

Anyway, one more thing was yelled before there was silence. It was: "FINE! I AM GONNA FUCKING LEAVE!" I sighed. I've heard that line so many times during these past years. But, one never left. They just stayed on the couch that night and forgot about the fight the next morning. My mother yelled that. I didn't expect her to actually stomp up to my room with a suitcase and take my hand, saying, "William, we're leaving."

"C-Can I just get my stuff first? Please, I'd like to say goodbye to my fri~" I wasn't able to finish because she yelled, "NO! I mean, no. We're leaving now. I already packed for you, okay?" I flinched and her outburst. She had never yelled at me before...

I quickly nodded and my heart started racing. I've never left my father. We have always been close. What would I do without him? How long will we be away? What if I never see my father again? So many questions threw my mind, I didn't know what was happening until I heard a shot and the car slammed to a stop and my mother had put her head down on the stirring wheel, unconscious. Or, wait. Blood?

I heard another shot, I'd went threw the seat, right beside me. Was someone shooting at us? I looked back at the shooter. My father. I quickly got out of the car and started to run, shots firing at me. I ducked at them, until one hit the back of my right shoulder. I fell to the ground, starting to bleed. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't have been happening! I thought.

One more shot and I'll be dead. That's all. I'm sure he'll check if I'm dead. I couldn't move. I was fazed by shock and terror, pain and worry beyond compare. When I heard the twelfth shot, I thought I was gonna be dead. But, no. Something was different. I stayed there, confused a bit and so many other emotions going with me. What was going on?

I was finally moved when someone lifted me into the air and flew towards my house. Wait, flew? How is someone flying? I finally got over my shock and other things and looked at the person. No, angel? It looked like that one from my weird dream. Was that a dream? He had chocolate brown eyes, I could tell when he looked at me. His wings were black, not white like I remember. His hair was longer and more messy. His clothes the same back, but he now had a jacket.

"Will, are you okay!?" He asked as I stared at him. How was he flying with me? Wait, was that... sliver blood on his hand? Was he bleeding!? He looked at me again, his eyes droopy like he was tired. Did angels sleep? "Will, answer me, you stupid~" he started to say stuff in Italian. I'm guessing they were cursing and stuff like that because of his tone.

I shook my head, snapping out of my stare and said, "y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine. But, are you?" His wings started to flap slowly as he looked back at me again. He was about to pass out. It was the bullet wound and he was beat up somehow. Could angels even get hurt? His breathing became heavy and he flew more sluggishly, slowly coming towards to the ground.

We were only five feet from the ground when he gave out and we fell. He fell hard, his head started to bleed sliver blood and he curled up, in pain. It was subconsciously, he was gone, onto the world of pain people go into when they pass out from pain. I fell not that hard, I ended on the grass, he landed on the road. That just made me worry about him more. Angels weren't supposed to pass out or even have their wings change color. They should be protecting and try their best to stay in the clouds, watching over us. But, he was here, he was hurt, he needed help.

I crawled over to him, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head from the fall and the bloody wound on my shoulder. I picked the angel up and he seemed to lean into me, shivering. He was incredibly cold and small, and light. How did he ever carry me to my road?

I carried him to my house and laid him down on the couch. He seemed to move by the sudden movement I made as I started to wipe off the blood from his face. It was weird how the blood was sliver, but that didn't mean he wasn't losing blood or not bleeding. Once I finished tending to his would on his face. I look down at his hand. It hanged off the couch, sliver liquid dripping from it. The shot must've been on his arm somewhere.

I carefully picked up his arm and started to move his sleeve up so I could see find the bullet wound. Once I find it, I pursed my lips. There was sliver blood running down his arm, to his hand and off it onto the floor. I started to clean it and he moved, it was obviously hurting. I took it away and then slowly put it back and continued, no disruptions came after that. I was able to clean it and take the  bullet out.

It was a strange bullet. It wasn't big, but it stung a lot. It had spikes on it so when it hit the skin and dug in, it'd hurt a lot when it came out. It was the color of metal but it didn't feel that way, it strangely had a soft, squishy feeling, I guess. I'm not sure how if really felt. It was just all out weird.

After I put the bullet down on the table (after I cleaned it also), I picked the angel up and went upstairs, to my room. I put him down in my bed and covered him up, making sure no pressure was in where the bandage showed. I had took off his jacket so I could help him better. He'll wake up later, I guess.

I walked back down to the living room where the blood was starting to stain on the carpet. Dam, I should've cleaned that before I put him up there. Oh well, I'll clean it now. So, once I finished cleaning it, I hit my right shoulder on a door frame and a burst of pain flailed through my shoulder. I totally forgot about mine. It must be... Oh god, I should help myself now before I bleed to death, or even pain. (If that was possible, I'm sure I would be dead by now.)

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