December 16, X784
Tenrou Island
Nashi:I groggily opened my eyes and saw the forest. The sun was shining though, when did that happen? Wait, did I fall asleep?! I turned to see Storm sitting next to me, fast asleep. Just one thing though... WE WERE HOLDING HANDS!! I immediately started freaking out and blushing like crazy. It took everything I had to keep from screaming and running away.
"Wow when did you two get so cozy with each other?"
I let go of Storm's hand and stood, ready to fight. I hit my head on the icy umbrella though, so that was embarrassing. Once I got around that, I was able to see the owner of the voice. I met face to face with Gale, Reiki, and Kali.
"OHMYGOSHYOU'REOKAY!!!" I squeal as I pull them into a bear hug.
"Yeah- we're- fine" Gale breathes out as I crush her in my arms.
I instantly let go and realize that they could possibly have injuries. I look them over like my dad does to me when I come home from a job. Gale has lots of bruises and scratches, Reiki is actually unconscious, draping over Gale's shoulder and Kali is just really dirty.
"Is he okay?" I clairify.
"Umm... I don't really know"
"Well what happened?"
"Umm... I don't really know?"
"I know we were fighting some Grimiore Heart thugs and then we ran into this creep that looked an awful lot like a dog and his chicken friend."
"When was the last time you got your head checked?"
"I mean, I always knew you had rocks for brains, but this is ridiculous."
"Stop it Nashi!" Gale pleaded. I giggled to myself at this. That was when Storm finally woke up.
"Whoa are you guys okay? What happened?"
"That's what I've been trying to figure out, but Gale just doesn't seem to be all there anymore."
"SHUT IT SUNSHINE!" Gale barked.
"We should head back to base camp, Wendy can take a look at Reiki." Storm decided, which we all agreed to. Storm and I each took one of Reiki's arms and draped it over our shoulders, together we dragged him through the jungle.
It was at least half an hour, before we reached base camp. Everyone seemed to be alright as far as we could tell. Those who were originally injured or sick were now on their feet and talking with other guild members.
"Wendy!" I call through the crowd of wizards. Everyone looks our way and gasps at the sight of the future team. Wendy pushes her way through the gathering crowd. She finally reaches us and gasps at the sight of Reiki.
"What happened?" She asks.
"We don't know." I answer.
"You do too know!!" Gale barks. "I told you, it was the dog and the chicken!!"
"You do know how crazy you sound right?" Storm says.
"CAN IT YA POPSICKLE!!!" We bring Reiki over to a makeshift tent and lay him down on a nearby mat. Wendy gets to work on healing him and I lend him some of my magic power. After Wendy has done all that she can, we leave Reiki to rest.
I sit down on a spare crate and my friends join me. Storm sits on the ground, Gale leans against the crate next to me and Kali sits on my shoulder. I scratch Kali behind the ears and she smiles. I gotta say that having the sun out makes me feel more at ease. I breathe a sigh of relief that my friends are safe.

Fairy Tail Next Generation: Thrown Back
FanfictionAfter being thrown back in time, Nashi Dragneel and her teammates witness the biggest fights and most memorable moments in Fairy Tail history. As the team interacts with their Fairy Tail family, they must decide what secrets should be shared and wha...