Chapter 28 - Dragon's Fight

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"She's gonna be okay right?" Happy whimpered. We had moved Lucy to the infirmary, which is where all of Fairy Tail A was currently stationed. Lucy was still unconscious in one of the infirmary beds and wrapped in all kinds of bandages. 

Natsu was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed waiting patiently for her to wake up. Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Carla all stood on either side of Lucy's bed. I was sitting next to Natsu, hoping that she would wake up soon. 

"Any word on Lucy's condition?" Juvia asked as she and Fairy Tail B entered the room. 

"Is she awake?" Mirajane added.

"You guys came!" Gray said aloud. 

"We may be on different teams, but we're still in the same guild," Cana offered. 

"So how is she?" Gajeel finally spoke up.

"She's not out of the woods yet," Porlyusica answered. ",but she'll pull through thanks to Wendy,"

"It wasn't just me though, we're lucky Shelia was there to help out,"

"I'm glad to hear she hasn't sustained any lasting injuries," Erza pointed out.

I turned to Natsu who had grown tense and remained quiet until now. "They're going to pay," he growled. While I didn't show it, I was just as angry as he was. I wanted to beat Minerva to a pulp after what she did to Lucy, that's what she deserved anyway. 

"You can sure as hell bet on that one," Laxus added. Laxus was never a man of many words. Even as the guild's master he only said what was needed to get his point across. Happy gasped and we all turned our attention back to Lucy who had begun to stir.

Her eyes fluttered open and she slowly scanned the room to take in her surroundings. Her eyebrows quivered and her eyes slowly began glassy and wet.

"You guys," She whimpered. "I'm sorry," We were all shocked to hear those words come out of her mouth.

"Say what?" Natsu exclaimed, he sat up in his chair.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.

"Because I screwed up again," Lucy threw the sheets over her head in shame.

"Are you kidding? Second place is nothing to be sorry about," Gray offered.

"Yeah, we got eight points in that round" Wendy added cheerfully. I heard the clink in Erza's armor as she stood up straighter "Yes, good job," She smiled.

Lucy peeked out from the sheets. Her eyes were tired and sad making her eyebrows twitch. "but I lost my keys," She whined. 

"I've got em right here," Happy confirmed, handing her the leather pouch full of keys. Lucy rolled over to receive the keys and smiled when the pouch touched her palm. She held them close to her chest as to not let go of them again. Her head dropped back onto her pillow and she closed her eyes undoubtedly falling asleep immediately. 

For a minute, we all just stared at the exhausted woman in front of us. Everyone was proud of the fight she put on and how she managed to stay in the game for as long as she could. 

After a while, Porlyusica pushed us all out of the infirmary and into the hallway to let Lucy sleep in peace. We all trudged down the hallway with grim faces. Some wore expressions of anger, others showed concern, and for a few untold rage behind a calm exterior. You can guess who those few were.

I was lost in the storm of my mind as lightning crashed against the wind in my head. The fires blazed bright against the hot iron as light and darkness collided. 

I could feel my pulse rushing in anger. Saber Tooth was going to pay. Forget the alliance in the future, they've declared war on today.

I felt a hand on my shoulder bringing me back to reality. Looking around at the surprised faces of my guild mates I realised I must have done something wrong.

"Just calm down," Erza stated. Her voice was firm, but I could see in the back of her eyes that even she was surprised. "You're letting off too much magic energy," she explained.

I raised my eyebrows and tried to calm down. I wasn't trying to let off any magical energy, but it's one of those things that I can't control when I get really pissed off.

"Unfortunate circumstances, but I'm glad both teams are here," Ahead of us was Master Makarov. "I have something to tell you all," 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Many hours later.

"Unbelievable," Chapati declared. "The last man standing is Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel!" With the ring of the bell the match was over. Natsu smiled deviously and triumphant as the the crowd roared in cheers. "Let's hear it for the man who single handily took down Saber Tooth's twin dragons! It's a huge win for Fairy Tail, they've moved into first place! What an exciting way to end day four of the Grand Magic Games."

I screamed and cheered from my spot in the stands. Kali was cheering just as loud from her spot on my shoulders. The rest of my team was also extra loud as we whooped and hollered in triumph.

The fight leading up to this moment had been everything Nashi had imagined and hoped for. There were actual tears in her eyes from sheer pride for her guild and her family.

"We're giving the fighters a day to recuperate and then it's on to the thrilling conclusion. It's all ending in one ultimate match that involves every team member on the field to duke it out in a battle royale. Only one guild gets the title folks so you don't want to miss it!"

1st - Fairy Tail - 45p

2nd - Saber Tooth - 44p

3rd - Mermaid Heel - 40p

3rd - Lamia Scale - 40p

5th - Blue Pegasus - 30p

6th - Quattro Puppy - 15p

I screeched and hugged Gale in excitement. Gale was screaming too and we were all laughing as Reiki wrapped his arms around all of us including Storm. Reiki's bear hug, however, also put Storm's face near inches away from mine.

I felt my face go red and watched as his did too. It was as if time had stopped. It was just the two of us standing there, getting lost in each other's eyes. I gave him a fanged smile as I stared into the ocean blue eyes of the boy that had hold of my heart. He smiled and his facial features softened.

I felt his fingers entangle around mine and I blushed even more. I glanced down at our hands and back up at him. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I noticed he was leaning closer. Was he going to kiss me?!?! I began to panic, I've never kissed anyone before. All I could think to do was follow his lead. Storm was only a couple inches away now and I was getting even more nervous. This is it. I thought.

Suddenly, he changed direction. He moved to my ear and whispered the following words, "We're being watched,"

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