Chapter 1 - The Root of All Problems

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"Nashi!" I heard Dad yell at me from downstairs. I sighed as I lay in bed not wanting to get up. It was Saturday after all, why did I have to wake up so early? Oh that's right, I'm a dragon slayer legacy which means early morning training with Dad.

I eventually climbed out of bed and trudged over to the dresser where I looked in the mirror. My spiky pink hair practically stood on edge and my dark brown eyes were bloodshot and dry. Why did mornings have to be so horrendous? I thought to myself as I brushed through my mad hair.

Once my hair was brushed and tamed to it's usual level of crazy, I made my way to my closet. Not bothering to look inside, I pulled out my usual outfit. A yellow tank top with a white pair of short. I slipped on my brown fingerless gloves and my tall brown boots that came to my knees. My denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up was next. The jacket was my favorite because there were white patches of the Fairy Tail guild sign on the shoulders. Last but not least, my signature white bandana was tied around my neck.

Taking one final look in the mirror I was satisfied with my look. I pushed open the door to my room and raced down the stairs two at a time. Dad was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

He had my spiky pink hair and coal black eyes. The jagged scar on his right cheek made him seem more mature than he was. He wore a black coat and a white scarf. He gave me a fanged smile which I tried to return in my tired state.

"Stay up to late sleepy head?" He joked.

"You could say that." I said through a yawn.

"Maybe we need to set a new curfew."

I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "Dad I'm 17, I don't need a curfew." Natsu smirked and pushed the front door open. I followed him outside into the brisk dawn. The air was cold making me wish I could go back inside to the comfort of my warm bed.

"Alright, you know the drill." Natsu stated. "Last one to the clearing has to make breakfast."

"You're on!" I shot.


Four hours later

I groaned as I flipped another pancake on the pan. I can't believe I lost... Again. Training this morning was hard enough. I've more than mastered the basics of my dragon slayer magic, but Dad's trying to teach me something new. I just can't seem to get the hang of using dragon force.

I looked up just as mom walked into the kitchen. Her blonde hair fell around her jaw line and her chocolate brown eyes were full of energy. She wore a blue shirt and white pants along with her belt and key ring. She brushed my hair out of my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"So you lost today." She cooed. I looked down at the plate of pancakes and handed them to her.

"Yeah," I said solemnly. I felt another hand ruffle my hair from behind me.

"She almost beat me." Natsu laughed. Lucy leaned over to him and planted a kiss on his lips. I cringed and flipped another pancake.

"Gross," I muttered.

"Oh you think that's gross." Natsu said mischeviously. Before I knew what was happening, Dad was pulling me into a bear hug. He kissed my face over and over again as I tried to break free from his grip.

"Dad stop!" I shout. My words are lost as he continues to tickle and kiss me. I eventually break free from his hold and run into my bedroom. Once I am safe behind my locked door, I relax. I quietly creep over to the tiny hammock hanging by my bed and peer over the edge. Inside was my lifelong pal, Kali.

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