The guild hall is silent, then it suddenly bursts with cheers. People are yelling over top of one another.
"We got another dragon slayer!"
"Ever heard of the sun dragon?"
"It sounds awesome!"
"How powerful is she?"
"She's so hot!"
I laugh at the ruckus being caused by the guild. I look over to where I last saw my family. They're all smiling and cheering. Even Erza is smiling! Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy along with their exceeds all have their mouths gaping open in shock. I give them a smirk and a wink.
"Go on." Gramps says to me. "Go have fun." I give him a fanged smile and head downstairs along with Kali.
As we reach the bottom of the stairs, people congratulate me on joining the guild. I thank them and continue to make my way towards my family. In a way, I'm home.
It's so weird to see everybody like this, back when they were all young and full of energy. I'm not entirely sure what to do. As I contemplate all of this, I start to feel dizzy. I steady myself and notice a few certain smells approaching. I stick my nose in the air in an effort to get a better whiff of it. It smells like metal, a fresh breeze, and smoke.
"Um Nashi..." Kali draws my attention behind me to face the three dragon slayers. They all have stern expressions which is not entirely surprising for Gajeel. I say nothing and bravely face them head on. They stare me down for what seems like forever, before Wendy breaks the uniform look. She runs up to me and wraps her arms around my waist in a hug.
"I'm just so happy to have another dragon slayer who's a girl!" She squeaks.
"Me too." I say to the small girl around my waist.
"Welcome to the team." Natsu congratulated me and gave me a high five.
"So how did you become a dragon slayer Sunshine?" Gajeel asked.
"That is a long story."
"We've got time." Erza said from behind me. I turn around to see Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia.
"Well alright then." We all take a seat at a table by the edge of the stage. I make sure that it's out of earshot of the other Fairy Tail wizards. I take a deep breath and begin my story.
"Both of my parents are wizards, my dad is actually a dragon slayer too. I actually inhereted a majority of my magic from him. When I was twelve or thirteen I studied abroad in Tiar for a summer. There I met the sun dragon Antareus. Antareus trained me how to use my magic while I was in Tiar. When I went home, my dad took over and trained me with his version of dragon slayer magic."
"So what kind of dragon slayer is your dad?" Natsu asked.
My body tensed and I felt sweat form on my brow. Well technically you're my dad. I said inside my head. I couldn't tell him that. Could I tell him a half truth?
"H-he was a f-fire dragon slayer." I stutter. Why did I say that?! Ugh, I'm such an idiot! Just then a massive headache waves across my face.
"No way!" Natsu exclaimed. "Your old man trained with another fire dragon?"
I silently nodded my head as another headache coursed through me. I grimace and press my hand against my forehead. Erza seemed to notice the tension in my body.
"Nashi are you alright?" She asked. Kali looked up and noticed how pale I was.
"Nashi?" She questioned. There was a long pause before I answered.

Fairy Tail Next Generation: Thrown Back
FanfictionAfter being thrown back in time, Nashi Dragneel and her teammates witness the biggest fights and most memorable moments in Fairy Tail history. As the team interacts with their Fairy Tail family, they must decide what secrets should be shared and wha...