Chapter 15 - The Opening Ceremony

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- - - - - -  NEXT DAY - - - - - -

We didn't have much time to celebrate last night, er this morning. We didn't get back to the hotel until about 4:00 in the morning. I for one was too exhausted to do much celebrating.

For now, we were in the locker room designated for the Fairy Tail team. We were all wearing the uniforms chosen by Master Makarov. They were all purple which Erza and Lucy loved.

"Wow would you listen to that crowd," Erza awed.

"I didn't think so many people would be watching," Lucy added. Gray went on to explain how the tournament was full of wizards from all over the country. I noticed Natsu looking dejectedly at his uniform. It was just like his usual outfit, only it had been colored purple and white instead of black and orange.

"Purple is so lame," He complained. "I'd rather just wear my regular clothes instead."

"Purple or not, you'll just have to deal," Lucy countered. "unless you wanna tell Master just why you think the clothes he picked are so lame."

"You won't hear me complaining, I think they're adorable." Erza stated proudly.

"Not to mention comfy, skin tight," Gray added.


Natsu sprang into action, covering my eyes with his hands. "Put some clothes on you ice pervert! I don't want the kid to see this," I heard Gray scurry to put some clothes on. When he let go, Gray was wearing a purple coat with white trim.

"At least you guys all look uniform, I'll stand out like a sore thumb," I said, referring to my brightly colored yellow shirt and white shorts. It's not like I had anything else to wear.

"I got you covered," We all turned around to see Gale Redfox standing in the doorway. "I managed to put this together for you this morning," She said proudly.

Gale handed me a hanger with a purple and white outfit on it. It had a white shirt with dark purple sashes hanging over it. The top was a light lavender with dark straps.

"Thanks Gale," I grinned. "You're the best!" I pulled my friend into a hug one more time and left to get changed.

I came back into the open locker room and showed off my new uniform for everyone to see.

I came back into the open locker room and showed off my new uniform for everyone to see

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"Thanks again Gale," I smiled. "I really didn't think I'd be able to fit into Wendy's uniform," Everyone's eyes dropped at the mention of the sky dragon slayer.

She and Carla had been found unconscious in the palace courtyard last night. They were completely drained of all magic power and terrified when they came to. Everyone was either sad or angry at whoever did this to them. Wendy couldn't remember what had happened, other than the fact that a small animal attacked her. Even the memory of it seemed to frighten the poor girl.

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