Chapter Fourteen

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"But it is hard to choose!"

"But you have to!" He mocked me back and I huffed. Jay and I were having an argue about what was the best ice-cream flavor, it was hard for me to choose so I said both flavors, it was just a stupid moment we had.

We were bored and tired of waiting for Harry and Elle to come for lunch, we did not see them today at all and both of them are also late for lunch. Elle was never late for lunch, she was always hungry and looking forward to it. And, Harry did not call or text me yesterday and his room was dark all night.

I knew that was creepy, yes, but I was not a stalker. I was just worried because he was my friend and also I was used to his texts and calls. I think I was losing my mind too, I kept thinking about this party thing and I kept thinking about Sarah. Did he call her? I mean he had her number. I know I should not care, but curiosity took the best of me. Were they friends or? But I guess not because Harry did not trust people quickly.

"Earth to Vio?" 

"Huh?" I turned to look at Jay frowning. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"I was saying, Elle texted me saying that she is sick. That is why she didn't come today and we did not see her at all."

"Oh, I will go to her after school," I said and he nodded. "Have you heard from Harry yet?"

"No, you?" I shook my head as he sighed and focused on his lunch. I wondered where was he. "Do not worry though, I am sure he will show up." 

"I am not worried, I am okay."

"Are you sure? You seem different today." I stopped chewing my food and gave him a glare. "Okay, I will stop talking."

"Good." I thought for a second, why not asking Jay about Sarah. "Hey Jay?"

"Need me now?" He asked smirking. "What is on your mind, girl? Spill it."

"Did Harry ever mention Sarah or talk about her?" I crossed my fingers hoping his answer would be 'no', but I had to keep in mind that it was none of my business. It was his life, he talked to whoever he wanted. 

"No, why?" A smile was drawn on my face and Jay looked at me like I was insane. He was right if he was thinking that, to be honest.

"Nothing, just wondering."

"What happened to you? You get jealous easily." My head snapped at his way. Jealous? What was he talking about, exactly?

"What? What do you mean by 'jealous'?" He finished eating and laughed.

"Violet, love, I am a writer and I can read eyes just like books. And, by that I am telling you that you are jealous of Sarah."

"Oh really?! And, how did you know that?" I was mad, but not jealous like he said. That was not my type and why would I be? "You know I am not the jealous type."

"Everyone gets jealous at some point." That made sense, but no. Harry was just a friend that I was worried about like I worry about him and Elle.


"Liar." He pointed his finger at me. "You are just afraid to admit it." I was going to keep arguing with him again, but Harry came interrupting us.

"And, look who came now," Jay said smiling at Harry.

"Sorry, had some things to do." He looked around for a bit then raised his eyebrows. "Where is Elle?"

"She did not come to school today because she is sick," I answered, he only nodded smiling at me.

"So, are we watching the game at my house, Harry?" Jay asked as Harry nodded. "Okay, I will get going now and tell Elle that I hope she gets better soon and I will see her tomorrow."

"Okay, see you next class." Jay nodded for the last time before he left me with Harry. I sighed and turned to Harry.

"A-Are you doing anything at night?" I was taken back by his question, I shook my head replying. "Well, would you like t-to go somewhere?" He smirked. What was on your mind mystery boy?

"Aren't you going to watch the game with Jay?" I asked confusedly.

"It is after school. I am s-saying late at night."

"Where are we going?" We walked in the hallway headed to our next class, which was our favorite. Art.

"So...  that means y-yes?"

"I don't know, is it a surprise?"

"M-Maybe." I liked his surprises so why not. "Just say yes, and you won't r-regret, Violet."

"Then Yes." We entered the class. "But it's better be good, Harry."

"I never let you down and you know me." Yes, I did know that.



you guys keep me going and smiling, thank you so much!

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