Special-Chapter 19

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- Yoo Jung's pov -

4 months later, Produce 101 Season 3 ended but we all got eliminated in the final round except for Justin who was placed rank 9 and debuted with Wanna boys. Seungwoo, Jihoon, Samuel and I are currently resting at our own houses.

" Yoo Jung! Come down for breakfast! " My mom called me. I went downstairs and helped her prepare the pancakes, " Don't worry, you will succeed in the future " She told me. " I'm not worried, I didn't regret joining either " I said back.

After breakfast, I took my dog for a morning walk. " Mong! Come back here after you go for a run " I told him before I untie the leash. I sat down on the bench and drank my coke when someone tapped my shoulder.

" Oh! Jihoonie " I said excitedly. " Why are you alone? You should've called me " He questioned. " I was taking Mong Gi for a walk " I answered. " Let's go for lunch with Seungwoo " He invited. " Sure " I agreed.

I dropped Mong Gi at home and went to the buffet restaurant with Jihoon. " Have you eaten here? " He asked. " My family barely eat out " I replied.

" If you ever feel like eating anything, call me " He said. I nodded. " I'm here! " Seungwoo shouted across the restaurant.

" You're still as embarassing as ever " Jihoon covered his mouth. " Why can't we be loud? " After those words were said, a crowd of girl ran to them and asked for their autograph.

I watched them suffer having to sign more than 10 times. " Excuse me, I'm your fan " A guy suddenly approached me. " Thank you " I gave him my autograph.

After lunch,

" I want to ride a bike by the river " Seungwoo suggested. We all went to rent bikes, Jihoon and I shared one since I'm not an expert with bikes.

I got on the passenger seat and held his shoulder. " Are you my girlfriend or not? " He moved my hands to his waist. I just giggled and started to blush, I'm so glad he didn't see me turn into a red apple.

" I know you're blushing " He said. " W-what? No, I'm not " I denied. " It's cute, I like it " He complimented. It made me blush even harder.

" Stop flirting and get moving " Seungwoo shouted. He started to peddle and we made a long journey until the park where they sell the best ddeokpokki.

We ordered a portion to share since we were still full from the buffet earlier. " How long are your training breaks? " Jihoon questioned. " We have around 3 weeks before going back, I want to eat a lot until then " Seungwoo answered.

" I only have 12 days of break, I have to go back next weekend " Jihoon told us. " That's too bad " I pouted. " I'll visit you often, cutie " He pinched my cheeks.

" Now I want a girlfriend " Seungwoo glared at us. " Then get one, maybe Lucy? She's nice and pretty " I told him. " I'll start talking to her then " He agreed.

" Who is Lucy? " Jihoon asked. " It's a friend that I'm training with " I replied. " I'll set up a date for you two " I told Seungwoo. He smiled excitely.

Thanks for 18k+ reads! A short and simple chapter :) Thanks for reading! More events happening in the next chapters^^

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