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~Matthew's View~
I was woken up by the sound of my alarm so I got up grabbed my uniform and headed to the showers. Once I was done in the showers I got dressed and went to the training pods were me and two other pilots in training were suppose to meet with Cpt. John our instructor...Once I arrived I saw logan already there waiting by his training pod but no sign of trenton well so I thought till trenton ran is huffing and puffing. "What's the rush trenton?"I asked him."I*pant*thought i*pant*was gonna be*pant*late"He said."No were all early actually"Logan said."So I ran here for nothing?!?"Yep seems so"I just stood there and watched for a second thinking about getting to learn to use a Titan today"Y'all ready to learn to pilot a Titan?"I asked"Hell yeah"Said logan"You know it"Said trenton.
Suddenly our instructor walked it so we lined up in front our pods and saluted."At ease"Cpt.John said"Today you will be learning to pilot a Titan, each of you are learning to pilot a different Titan but most of the controls are the same but their weapons and abilities are different"He continued"Sir which titan will each of us be using?"Logan asked"Each of you will be assigned a Titan based on each of your skill sets. Logan you will be using a monarch class cause of your close up and mid range fighting and ability to provide support to your team in training""Yes sir!"Logan saluted for a second before standing down"Trenton you will be using the northstar class titan due to your record of using sniper rifles and staying high up"he salutes like logan"And Matthew you will be using the Ronin class Titan for your constant up close hand to hand combat and your record of using phase shift"I salute as well"Yes sir I won't let you don't"He smirks"I'm sure non of you will,Now step into the pods"We step into our pods and once the simulation has started up we see Cpt. John already there sitting on top of a titan which appeared to be a legion class"Ok you three this is CB-17"the titan stood up as the Cpt jump off and suddenly began to speak it seemed to have a female A.I. system due to having a female voice"Hello pilots I will be assisting in today's trading exercises."The three of us if as the cpt begins to talk again"Ok now that the introductions are through how about we get to work huh? To begin call in your titans" I was the first to step forward and call my titan into an open area then a few seconds later my titan comes crashing down it's nothing fancy just a Ronin class titan with the factory issued paint jobs and weapons after looking at my Titan for a second I walk up and stand by my titan as it stands up then the others call in their titans and do the same"Ok now that you all have our titans we will begin with embarking also don't worry these are just part of the simulations your real titans will have an A.I. Of your choosing now everyone hop in"Cpt jumped in his titan as the three of us turned around suddenly I felt as tho I was being picked up and realized that my titan had already picked me up next thing I knew I was inside"Transferring controls to pilot"I heard an A.I. Say then I looked and saw logan and trenton in their titans."Now try just basic movements"We all three went to separate locations marked on our maps"Good good now try firing at these targets"Suddenly three targets appear I use my titans shotgun to blast through two then went and killed the last one with a sword strike next thing I hear is logan go"How do I use fire my gun?!?"both me and trenton laugh then trenton says"Hey dude did you not read the training guide?""NO!"screamed logan then the cpt sighs and after a minuet he explains everything to logan and logan takes down his targets"Ok now that that's finally done begin testing your abilities on these moving targets"I use my phase shift to get behind two of the targets and slice them then turn around and send my electric wave to take down another and finally shoot the other"Nice work Matthew"The cpt says.

~Logans view~c
I took down two targets with rocket salvo then used energy siphon to take down another down and finally kicked the last one"Good work son"I did a thumbs up to the cpt then stood and waited.

~Trentons view~
I charged up my shot and destroyed a target then used cluster missiles to take two more down and finally charged a shot to half power and took down the last remaining target."Great job"I saluted with my Titan and then stood and waited.

~Matthew's view~
"Ok you three time to use your cores turn to your targets and take them down with your cores except you logan later we will train cause your core is different then any others due to it not actually being a weapon exactly"Logan nodded to the cpt as me and trenton lined up first was trenton who activated his core in which he flew up and began to rain down missiles onto his targets taking them all down. Next was me I walked up and activated my core and pulled out my sword and charged and swung my sword taking down three targets and swung again taking down the rest then my core deactivated"Good work you two! Tomorrow each oth you will get to see your actually titans along with bein given your code names now go get some rest!"We all salute and say"Yes Sir"In unison. Once we exited the pod we all stood and talked for a bit before returning to our rooms once I got in my room I changed then lied down then fell asleep.

~Logan's view~
I got to my room after the long day of training and took a shower and decided to type a message to a friend back home before laying on bed and began to read a book.

~Trenton's view~
I got to my room changed and pull out my old game system and began to play an old favorite fallout for a hour or so then lied down for the night.

(Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter sorry for not updating the other story for a while but I've been thinking and I might remake the chapters for the other story and try to make them better for you all but not sure either way hope you enjoyed. See you all next time!)

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