Getting our titans!

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~Logans view~
I woke up this morning to my stupid alarm waking me up"Ugh I was having a good dream too"I grumbled as I got of turning my alarm off. After I turned my alarm off I went and changed to my uniform"What were we doing today? Uh I can't remember I'll just ask trenton since I always pass his room in the mornings"I said as I left my room.

~Trentons view~
I woke up an hour ago and already got a shower and my uniform on. I was sitting on my bed watching tv cause I had a few minuets before we got to go pick out our titans when I heard a knock on my door."Come in!"Logan came in and seemed confused."What are we doing today?"He asked. "Really? Logan we're picking our titans today dude how could you forget?"I said."Ohhhh yeah oops got distracted on having fun with the titan yesterday"He said."Go figure anyways come on we got to go before we're late"I said as we both left my room to go to the titan workshop.

~Matthews view~
I got up little more than an hour early just cause I was so excited I can't wait to meet my titan! I've study about each and every titan I mean everyone has to but I do it to the point I can take apart the titan and rebuild it. Say what you want but I have wanted to be a pilot for such a long time! Most people want to be pilots cause their dads were pilots or their mothers were pilots but neither of my parents were pilots my dad was a weapon smith he actually helped make guns for the militia and he continues to do so till this day while my mom is a teacher. Anyways I can't wait to meet my titan they say that the greatest of pilots have a extremely deep bond with their titans I don't know if I'll ever accomplish that but I want to try! Anyways right now I'm sitting outside the door to where the captain told us to meet him waiting on the others.

~10 minuets later still Matthews view~
We all were currently standing outside the titan workshop looking at captain john."Ok men today you three will pick out your titans each of you will follow one of these three"he pointed to three men standing behind him"These three are professional engineers to the types of titans you'll be using"He pointed to trenton"Trenton you will be following mark"Mark then walked up to trenton and held out his hand then they shook hands and went inside."Logan you will follow trinity"The woman named trinity walked up to him and shook his hand then they went inside as well."And finally Matthew you will be following Lilly."She walked up to me and we shook hands then we walked inside.

~Trenton's view~
Me and mark walked into the workshop and he lead me to where about five northstar class titans stood."Ok trenton I'm Mark or eagle which is my code name I am a professional engineer of the north stars I'll be the one who works on the titan of your choosing and keeps your titan in tip top shape if needed. Anyways each titan has an A.I. Every A.I. Is unique in their own way"He points to the first titan"This titan has a male A.I. In it which has a more American style accent while the one to its left has a more British accent. Which kind of accent interest you?"he asked."I think a Irish styled accent sounds good"Mark smiles"I got just the one for you right here"He shows trenton the forth titan"One thing every titans A.I. Doesn't have a name so you will have to give it a name as if right now we call him J-747, now let's fire him up shall we?"

~Logan's view~
I followed trinity to two different monarchs."Sorry were having trouble keeping all the monarchs in stock due to some pilots doing some stupid things with them but we can make some alterations to these titans if you don't see something your not a fan of."She said"That's sounds good to me, now what do we have here with these two?"He asked smiling which caused trinity to blush"Well we have two female A.I.s sorry neither of them have a male A.I. Which we can change if needed but one has a British accent while the other has more of a Japanese accent." She said."I'll take the British one and I think I'll call her bud." She looked at logan confused."Bud? A girl named bud? Ok if that's your thin go ahead. Well let's fire her up and get you guys linked up."

~Matthew's view~
Me and Lilly arrived at three empty hangers."Well I got some bad news our men haven't been able to keep some ronin's in stock for the new recruits cause we have a bunch of knuckle heads thinking that ronins work like tanks and can run in and fight five titans at once and just end up getting their titans destroyed but I'll make sure your titan is fitting just like you want it just tell me how you want it."She said looking at me holding a clipboard and pen."Your a professional engineer correct?"She nods"Then get me access to the workshop and I'll build my own titan with your help of course."I smile at her"Um do you know how to put a titan together?"I nod."I've study every titan inside and out I can take a titan apart and put one together."She didn't seemed convinced."Ask captain john he put me to the rest already."She calls captain john to our location and a few minuets later he walks in."What's this all about huh?"He asked."This one says he can take any titan apart and put them back together as if he's a engineer but he's a pilot I don't know any but two pilots that could do that."She said"Well you've meet the third one then cause this man here is able to not only pilot a Titan but take one together and rebuild it along with build one from just the parts you give him."I smile and thank captain john for clearing it up for her and she finally was convinced and we agreed to meet here tomorrow to begin construction on my titan. I can't wait to tell the others that I'm getting to build my titan they call me a book worm cause I kept constantly reading about titans from the past models to the new ones but I knew it would pay off in the end.

~A.I. Bud's view~
I have been assigned to my first pilot, pilot Logan Neeson. From my data base he excels in mid to close combat situations using mostly guns in combat but knows hand to hand combat if need he also knows a good bit about the weapons he uses which consist mostly of assault rifles and pistols well any pistol he finds that's a six shooter style. He knows how to take apart and rebuild his main two weapons along with having a vast knowledge of the lay out of lands and is use to being a one man band but he's going to have to get use to me being by his side. Protocol 1. Link to pilot, Protocol 2. Uphold the mission, Protocol 3. Protect the pilot.

~A.I. J-747~
I was activated and linked to a pilot named trenton danse. According to his records he is an excellent long ranged marksman using sniper rifles to keep his enemies at a distance and to pick off anyone at long range. He also is good with pistols mostly full auto type pistols, he is noted to have great skill in using a knife as well. Pilot Trenton Danse is known to cover his team during combat making sure no one sneaks behind them. It will be good to serve as his titan.

~Lilly's view~
Pilot Matthew smith insisted on helping in the construction of his titan so while him and one of my men search for the different parts he'd like for his titan I decided to prepare his A.I. She's a newer model of the old A.I.'s having the ability to seem more human than the older models even as far as being able to have emotions and I wanted her to pick her pilot so I'll see if her and Matthew get along."Ahh hello again Lilly" Rose the A.I. I was talking about earlier said."Hello Rose how are you feeling?"I asked"Im doing well I'm just kind of annoyed that I haven't found a good pilot yet."She said."Well rose today might be your lucky day I might have found you a pilot his name is Matthew smith."I said."May I see his records?"Asked rose."Of course"I gave her access to his records."Seems impressive...So he will be piloting a ronin class titan...I'll give him a chance, when will I be assigned to him?"She asked seeming kinda hopeful."Tomorrow so you best make sure you've read up on his records before then"I said"I will don't worry" she said."Ok we'll see you tomorrow"I said walking out as she just said mhm"She must actually be interested in his skills maybe we have ourselves a perfect team"I said as I walked to my room.

(Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know it's longer than the last one but I really wanted to make it special plus I think it turned out good but I want y'alls feed back on it so please leave a comment telling me you enjoyed it and if you guys have any ideas for characters leave them in the comments and I might make them into characters well until next time goodbye!)

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