First Mission

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~Trenton's view~
Right now I'm at the shooting range practicing by myself because Matthew is right now adding thermal optics along with increased zoom to Jenny which will be very useful but it's kinda boring at the shooting range by myself. I kept shooting until I heard some loud footsteps so I turned around to see logan with his titan who he hasn't told me the name of yet so I stood up to greet them."Hey logan and um what's your titans name?"I asked."Her name is bud."He said."Hello pilot."Bud said."Bud really? Why bud for a girl?"I asked him."Don't know just wanted to I guess."He said."Ok then well what brings y'all here?"I asked."We we're looking for you pilot."Bud said."Why?"I asked."We have a mission briefing to attend, isn't that great?!"Logan said with a lot of excitement."Wait our first real mission?!"I asked."Yep so come on we better go!"He said."I'll give you a lift pilot."Bud said."Ok."I picked up my rifle and put it on my back then bud picked me up and placed me on top of her."Thanks bud."I said."Your welcome pilot.l, shall we go?"She said."Yeah come on let's go!"Logan said and bud started walking to the mission briefing.

~Matthew's view~
"Ok Jenny try and activate thermal mode."I said to Trentons titan."Ok pilot."Jenny said as her optics changed color showing she activated thermal."Is it working properly?"I asked."Yes pilot thermal optics running at one hundred percent."She said."Good now let's get to work on increasing your zoom."I said and I was about to get to work but I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see Lilly."Matthew your needed in the briefing room."She said."What for?"I asked."Isn't it obvious? You got your first mission."She said."Oh I better get going then."I said and started packing my tools."Ok Jenny we will work on increasing your zoom when it's over if we have time ok?"I said."Ok pilot."She said so I stood up and walked out of the workshop and began walking to the briefing room.

~Commander Mia~
"Where are those three?"I asked John who was there trainer."On their way don't worry."He said."Are you sure they are ready?"She asked."I'm sure ma'am these three are ready for their first mission like every pilot I train."John said and when he finished the three entered the room."Ah there you tree are I started to think y'all got scared."She said."No ma'am we wouldn't miss this!"Logan said."I'm ready to go pop some heads ma'am."Said trenton."Ready to hack and slash ma'am."Matthew said."Good cause you were sending you three straight into an enemy base."She said."How many pilots are you sending in ma'am?"Asked trenton."You three along with two other squads."She said."So what's our objective ma'am?"Matthew asked."We have gotten info that the enemy have made experimental weapon, we don't know what it does but we do know that we need to destroy it to make sure it can do no harm so you there will push into the building housing the weapon while the other squads cause a distraction outside and keep as many enemies off you."She walked around her desk and stood in front of the three men."Do you understand your orders?"She asked."Yes ma'am"The three said in unison while saluting her."Good now get a move on then be ready to drop in one hour, Am I clear?"She asked."Yes ma'am"The three said again."Good now go!"She said to them and the three men ran out to get ready for their first mission.

~Logan's view~
Right now me,Matthew, and trenton were in the armory grabbing our gear and getting ready for the mission."Hey logan can you pass me my mastiff?"Matthew asked."Yeah here ya go."I said passing his mastiff to him."Hey trenton pass me a few gravity stars."I said."Here ya go."He said before tossing me a satchel full of gravity stars and flame stars."Thanks."I said."Ok everyone weapons check."Matthew said as everyone made sure they had their weapons and that their weapons are in working conditions."Check."Said trenton."Check."I said."Check"Matthew said."Ok everyone ready to get this party started?"I asked."Hell yeah!"Matthew and trenton said at the same time."Ok everyone what's our saying?"Matthew asked."When we hit the ground."He started."The enemy starts runnin."We all said together."Ok let's go."Trenton said and we all went off to load up.

~Matthew's view~
I quickly did a diagnostics check on rose then we loaded up and prepared to be dropped down into the battle. After waiting a few minuets for everyone to get locked in commander Mia walked in front of everyone."Ok boys and girls Your about to be dropped into your first mission so I expect this to go well so don't screw this up. Y'all ready?"She asked."Yes ma'am!"Everyone said."Ok drop in three two one."She said and we all got shot down towards the surface one by one.....

(To be continued)
(Ok everyone I'm really sorry for not updating in a while but if you read my other story you'd already know I promised to start updating again so expect more updates from now on. Anyways hope you all enjoyed and hope your all ready for the battle in the next chapter! Anyways again hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time!)

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