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I decided to change my writing style a bit so I hope this didn't turn out to be suck. Welp. Here goes nothing.

Her head pounded, dry and scratchy throat. Sungyeon coughed hard and loud enough once, her entire body acted as if she's no longer in control. All she wanted to do was to pry her eyes open.

White. Everything was struck white.

Everything hurt.

Where am I? What happened?

"You're awake." Unfamiliar figure of a man step out of the dark corner, black hooded sweater on, black pair of jean, black shoes. Everything about him seems, dark.

"You got a really long life, I thought you would be dead when you got hit by the car." What is he talking about? The man walked pacing back and forth in front of her bed. She wanted to say something but there's this force that prevent her from doing that. As if something is caught dead in her throat. He walked slowly to her and shorten the distance between him and her.

He kissed her.

"Shushh. You'll know me sooner or later. I'll be leaving. I'll see you soon. Very soon."

The next thing she know, she's asleep.


Beeping sound heard softly. As if it whispering to my ears. Soft talking voice, soft gushes of air. Everything seems soft to me. Was I too far? Or its just the sound of everything is too soft hitting my eardrums.

"Did you saw that?" A familiar voice.
"Saw what? Bum-ah, its your imagination again." Another familiar voice.

"Where-" Finally. A word came out. Two figures, two pair of eyes look at me, staring at me as if they stare through my soul.
"I'll go get a doctor." The taller guy ran outside, looking for doctor.
"Hey, baby. You're awake." Baby? "I was so worried about you. Baby, how can you just stand at the middle of the road in bustling street. You got yourself hurt." Road?
"Where- am- I?" I asked word by word.
"You're at the hospital. You've been in coma for almost a month. I was so scared. They said you were standing frozen in the middle of the street. The car didn't see you until the last second which is weird." He hold my hand. "Baby, I'm glad you're awake. I missed you so much eventhough I basically here most of the time." He caress my head.
"Who-" The door flung opened, the taller guy earlier came with doctor with him.

I was shocked. I don't know what happened to me. I can't remember every last bit of it. They said I was hurt, in a car accident, been coma for almost a month, but I feel like I just go to sleep last night and wake up to go to work this morning. The doctor checked on my vital sign and everything, I have thousand of question to ask but I just can't get the words out.

Suddenly, my head just pounded real hard as if I just hit my head with log wood. Flashes of dark  hollow eyes that look like it'll suck you inside, wide smile, more like evil grinned, just keep on repeating in my head. Another face appeared, definately the opposite of the first one, but it keep on changing, making my head hurt more than it ever was before.

"STOP!!" I screamed. Everything when silence after that. Hands stop working, eyes stop wandering. All focus on me.
"I'm- I'm sorry." I apologized, hands cupping my face, crying. "I'm sorry. I-"
"Its okay." He hugged me. Why is being he so nice to me? "Rest well. Get better. I'll always be here. Okay?" He kissed on top of my head, full of love, full of sincerity.

"Is she okay now? She should be right?" He asked the doctor.
"Yes. She should be. Let her have some rest. We'll do all the scanning once she calm down. Miss Park, don't think too much about unnecessary thing. Have some more rest, I'll asked nurse to come and check on you every half an hour. We should get you ready for scanning and screening in, I say, two hours? Till then, rest. Mr. Im, Mr Kim, I'll see you guys later."

Thank you."

He layed my head on the pillow, pull the blanket over me. "Have some rest. Me and Namjoon going to the café for a bit, to get some coffee. Will you be okay?" I nodded.

Before he could step one more step away from me, I pulled his hands and he turned around, looking at me, with question across his face.

"Who- who are you?"


So, another update before ya'll starved after this. HAHA



idk what to think but lmao enjoy

Chapter 5.

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