what else happened last night?

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I woke up to the light flooding in through my open window. A cool breeze swayed around the room as my eyes slowly opened.  A smile played on my lips for reasons I did not understand. I almost got raped, met a creepy stranger, got completely wasted, woke up on a strangers bed, walked home in the middle of the night, met the creepy stranger again and yet I can’t help but think that he was gorgeous and actually nice for a complete stranger.

I got up jumping in the shower and then changing into a floral dress as it was almost summer. I dried my hair leaving the blonde curls to bounce at my shoulders and applied a little make up and pink lip gloss sealing the deal.

Walking downstairs I didn’t notice my mother anywhere. I rolled my eyes sarcastically because she was always working and she barely ever sees me. I don’t know why I was worried about getting caught last night because it’s not like she cares.

My phone started buzzing on the counter at the kitchen, I must of forgotten to take it out last night I thought before I answered it, “hello?” I asked in a cheerful voice.

Elena’s screeching made me pull the phone away from my ear but I could still hear her shouting, “Caroline where are you? I left you at the Salvatore’s and you weren’t there when we got up?”

“Elena please calm down,” I asked with a hand on my head trying to ease the headache still lingering, “I’m at hom—wait, what do you mean “when we got up”? Elena Gilbert did you stay over at the Salvatore’s?” I asked with my mouth open.

She sighed but giggled, “stop trying to change the subject Caroline Forbes! Come round we need to talk.” And with that she hung up.

I made some toast and ate it as I grabbed my car keys and opened my door. Driving to Elena’s was quiet with only the soft tune of the radio filling the silence. Once I got there I hopped out of the car and made my way over to the door not bothering to knock but just walk in and I wish I didn’t. There on the coach was Elena and Stefan making out. I laughed silently before coughing trying to get their attention.

Elena screamed and Stefan bushed. I burst out laughing doubling over holding my stomach, “aw don’t look so embarrassed guys, its cute” I chucked walking over sitting in the cream chair in front of them.

“Hey Caroline” they said in unison.

“So…”I dragged, “we need to talk?” I said in a mysterious voice repeating Elena’s words.

“I think I should go.” Stefan said looking awkwardly between me and Elena.

“No its okay, I’m sure its Elena over reacting like she always does.” I said teasingly.

“Hey I do not over react, I’m just the mature one!” she said in defence, “no but seriously, who was that stranger you met last night?”

I sighed before explaining to them all about the mystery man and how he saved me from Tyler and his good looks, and how I met him again on the way home. At this point Stefan started to get interested.

“Did you get his name?” Stefan said in a worried tone.

“yeah it was something like klay or something beginning with a k, I was still a little tipsy, hence why I thought it was a good idea to walk home in the middle of the night anyway.” I rabbled on but all Stefan was interested in was his name, it was weird, so much for a first good impression aha.

“KLAUS!” I shouted finally remembering it, “Klaus, that was it.” I said sighing. Why can’t I stop thinking about him?

“I need to go,” Stefan said standing up and heading for the door, “I’ll see you girls later.”

We said our goodbyes to Stefan and came and sat back down on the sofa. “So what else happened last night?” I giggled wiggling my eye brows. She had a completely serious face on and I knew that something was wrong. “What happened?”

“Caroline, Tyler went missing last night…”she looked to the floor, “and you were the last person to see him.”

I shook my head in disbelief, this has to have something to do with Klaus, and we were the last ones to see him and then I left him lying there in pain with a complete stranger, oh my god…

“This is my entire fault, this is my fault” I started to panic and get up to leave. I need to get to my mom’s office now and find out who this Klaus is.

I raced to my car with Elena calling me from the porch of her huge house. I didn’t really care at this point. It took 10 minutes but finally I burst in my mom’s office to find she wasn’t in here, she must be on patrol, she was a police officer for mystic falls and she basically ran the whole town. I looked around the room not knowing what to do until I came across the computer. That thing has the whole town’s information on; I bet I could find something on there.

I ran across the room to the computer and then unlocked it knowing my mom’s password and looking through the files until I came to “residents of mystic falls” there were tonnes of useless facts about people living in mystic falls, I groaned in frustration slamming my hand on the keyboard. I accidentally presses the letter “P” and several folders came up, one popped out though. “Private information”.

I clicked on the file to be brought with family names, all of the founders of this town, Salvatore and Mikaelson. I had heard all the names on here before but never this one. I clicked on it reluctantly not expecting what to find. And it brought up a document with their address, which I took note of when I saw the name Klaus.

The document read-

Klaus has agreed to keep the peace in this town with only one thing in return, support. With the death rate rising in this town we cannot afford to start a war with the va-

The door then burst open revealing my mom standing there, “what are you doing Caroline?” she asked temper rising. I quickly shut of all of the files logging off.

“My laptop crashed just needed to use the internet but I didn’t know your password,” I said getting out of the chair and walking towards the door, “never mind, I’ll see you later?” I asked casually like I didn’t just do something wrong.

“Yeah okay.” My mom said slowly furrowing her brows. I smiled and left running to my car and racing towards the “mikaelsons”.

It was a beautiful house. It was a very old fashioned house that was painted white, the size of a mansion with a huge circular drive way and a cliché fountain in the middle. I jumped out of my car and ran to the door. With a huge knock it swung open almost immediately. I was faced with a surprised looking god like man in jeans and a simple t-shirt. His mouth dropped at the sight of me but I broke the silence.

“Where’s Tyler?”

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